Goon's World Extras

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Special Edition by LetsGoMavs

Greetings esteemed readers of Goon’s World. Some of you may know me (lucky you!) and some of you may not. I used to write a little infamous blog called LetsGoMavs but decided to hang it up last year due to lack of time, too much drama, and lack of inspiration for blogging. However, since I made this choice I have gotten many e-mails asking me to resume blogging. Ironically, I get the most request from Sioux fans. This is interesting because I was by far the meanest to the Sioux players, fans, and the program in general. I’ll admit that I don’t spew hate anymore towards the Sioux but I’m not going to claim that I “like” them. Hopefully you can all live with that. Thanks to a few things I’ve lightened up on the Sioux. Those things would be meeting some good Sioux fans (Goon & Donn…and company), “Brad Miller Time”, and a surprisingly fun trip to the Ralph last year. Anyways, enough about ME!

Goon has asked me to be a guest writer for his blog and to give his readers updates on my beloved Minnesota State University, Mankato Mavericks. I’m guessing he’ll also let me write about just about anything else hockey I want…as long as I don’t rip on his Sioux too much. Hmm…makes me wonder if he’s going to let me do my famous “Hot or Not” on his serious blog?!?

So….how have the Mavs been doing? Well, they’re very up and down this season. At times they look great and at times they look like a Pee Wee team. Last night they played UNO and tied. It was one of the most boring games I’ve ever watched. One thing that was very obvious though, UNO has a new coach that’s smart and is going to be a contender next year in the WCHA. I know many Sioux fans hate Blais but let’s face it, the guy knows hockey…and that was obvious with the change in the Faux-Mavs from Omaha last night. They were faster, smarter, and it was obvious that they had watched hours of the real Mavericks on tape. They intercepted more pucks and plays than I’ve ever seen. Now, if the real Mavs had a REAL coach this would have been realized and new plays or variations would have been done about 10 minutes into the game. However, Jutting can’t seem to think or coach like that so changing stuff up was off the table. Cripes, that guy can probably make a lighter out of a Bic pen, a hard stone, and a blade of grass in order to light his cigarettes but can’t manage to switch stuff up in a hockey game!!

Anyways, enough about last night. I figured that I would start out my first post on Goon’s World by giving the Mavericks mid-season grades.

Austin Lee (G): B While Lee has come up big in goal a few times, there is a lot of room for improvement. He often goes down too quick (leave out the perv jokes people!) and appears to not pay as much attention as he needs to. I sometimes wonder if he has untreated ADHD. Let’s get him some Adderall and maybe that’ll make me raise his grade.

Nick Canzanello (D): B- Canzanello has had times of really good play and times of really bad play. I think we can all agree that he’s doing his best but really wasn’t ready to play in the WCHA straight from high school. He just hasn’t developed like he should over the past 3 years but it’s good to see him try and play smarter this year.

Cameron Cooper (D): C Cooper hasn’t had consistent playing time and I’m not really sure why. He hasn’t been as bad as some of the D on the ice, so not really sure why he’s not playing more. While he is on the ice though, he does need to pick up the speed. He tends to be too slow and behind the play.

Ben Youds (D): B Youds has had some really good games but has also had many periods where he played like total crap. As always, I have a torn opinion of Youds and he’s one of my most frustrating players to watch. I’m pretty sure that I say “GOD DAMMIT BEN YOUDS!!” more than anything else at a hockey game.

Tyler Pitlick (F): A Pitlick is a new LGM favorite. This kid is the real deal. He’s an essential player to have on the ice and has some sick moves. While he doesn’t have as many points as one would expect, he had many games where he should have and it just didn’t pan out. Watch for him to turn heads, ala David Backes style.

Kael Mouillierat (F): B- Mouillierat only first moved up to the B- recently. He had a very slow start to the year and it’s been as frustrating for him as it has been for the fans. I’m looking for Mouillierat to have a break out second half though, so be prepared people!

Zach Harrison (F): A Harrison has had a really nice season so far. He always brings a ton of intensity to the ice and is fast and smart. As long as he doesn’t get obsessed with trying for short-handed goals and stays away from dumb penalties he will be great for the Mavs.

Mike Louwerse (F): A- Normally Louwerse is a solid “A game” player. As of the past couple games I’ve watched though he seems distracted and isn’t doing much on the ice to score or make big plays. This is very odd for him, so hopefully he gets back on track really soon. The kid has a ton of talent and plays a much bigger physical game than one would expect.

Rylan Galiardi (F): B- Galiardi has had some nice games but as of late I’m pretty sure he’s mastered the ability of skating with his head up his butt. I’m hoping he pulls his head out soon and starts scoring and making smarter plays.

James Gaulrapp (F): B+ Gaulrapp has played few games but has given 100% each time he’s played and he brings a chemistry to the team. I’m not really sure why Jutts makes him sit but it really makes me mad. Stupid Jutting!!

Justin Jokinen (F): C- I’m not going to lie, I’m not a fan of this kid at all. I think he’s a primadonna who is not a team player and who refuses to play both ends of the ice. He only manages to hustle when it’s in his own end with a chance for him to score. Personally, I think he needs to sit until he’s ready to play both ends of the ice. It’s a shame he’s this type of a player because the kid has a ton of talent.

Jerad Stewart (F): A Stewart has always been a hard working kid on and off the ice and it’s nice to see his hard work pay off. Historically he’s had a hard time stuffing away goals but this year that’s all changed.

Tyler Elbrecht (D): C+ Elbrecht has worked really hard to find a regular spot in the line up. It looks like his hard work has paid off as of late and he’s adjusting nicely to WCHA play.

Evan Mosey (D): C Mosey has been in and out of the line up. I think he’ll be a decent player in the future but for now, he needs to adjust to the pace of WCHA hockey.

Michael Dorr (F): A While Dorr has only played two games (was not eligible until the past 2 games due to transferring), he has made an immediate impact. The kid is talented and it’ll be fun to watch him play. I just hope he can take all of the razzing he’s going to get from opposing fans due to backing out of his commitment to UMD and then leaving the Gophers. Hell, doing both of those things makes me like him MORE!

Geoff Irwin (F): B Irwin has had an ok season thus far but I really thought he would have more goals by now. He’s the captain of the Mavs and I’m interested to see how that pans out. As of now I really don’t have an opinion on it…other than I find him an interesting choice to wear the “C”.

Jason Wiley (F): C+ Wiley has been out with injuries this year, so it’s hard to grade him. When he’s been on the ice he’s had some good games and some not so great plays…thus I’ll stick him with a C+ because I was expecting more from him. Hopefully he gets healed and comes back strong.

Andrew Sackrison (F): A Sackrison is out with a broken leg and that really sucks. He was having a great year and I was excited to see what he was going to produce. Hopefully once he’s back on the ice he’ll be able to pick up where he left off.

Kurt Davis (D): F Anyone that knows me knows I would not give Davis anything but an F, ever. I wish this kid would just go away. He sucks at playing defense, is too worried about scoring, is afraid to get hit or be hit and always tries to do a slap shot from the point that goes 5 feet wide. Ugh, get him off the ice.

Tyler Thompson (F): B Thompson has had some nice games. At times he’s a puck hog though and then ends up losing it because he won’t pass it. If he starts to be more of a team player and keep his temper under control, he’ll be good to go. Between him and Jokinen, I’m not sure who the bigger “Black Hole” is.

Adam Mueller (F): B- Mueller has struggled to find a consistent spot in the line up. I like the passion he plays with, as long as he keeps his temper under control. I think we’ll be seeing more of Mueller playing on the line with Dorr, as they’re friends and former high school teammates. It appears that they have a pretty good chemistry.

Eriah Hayes (F): A Hayes is another LGM favorite. I think everyone has been pleasantly surprised by him. It’s nice to see a big guy on the team to be physical but also bring some talent.

Joe Schiller (F): C Schiller is rarely in the line up. Not really sure what’s going on with him. When he plays he’s not bad but not good either. Just average I guess!

Brett Peterson (F): IC Poor Peterson got his first chance in two years to play for the Mavs and got a season ending injury in the game. That poor kid can’t catch a break!

Channing Boe (D): A Boe is by far the best defenseman on the team and appears to be a strong Alternate Captain. Most people know that Boe is a LGM favorite and I’m especially happy to see him back this year after having his leg broken by Dirty Hack Brian Schack. Boe commits himself fully to playing defense and is having a great year.

Eli Zuck (F): C- Zuck hasn’t played much and when he has, he hasn’t done much to impress me. Seems like he’s struggling to play WCHA hockey, so hopefully he figures it out soon.

Phil Cook (G): A- Cook has started in goal a couple of games and has walked away with the win. He looks like he’s going to be a reliable goalie and I’m more comfortable with him in goal than Lee, so hopefully he plays more!

Kevin Murdock (G): D Murdock has not done well in goal. This really bums me out because I thought he would come in and be the #1 guy. His style is similar to Mike Zacharias and I was told he was just as good. Sadly, we haven’t seen that yet. Hopefully he has a better second half.

Well, that's it for now. I think I've babbled on enough for my first post!


  1. My favorite player is the Bemidji Boy Channing Boe. You made me giggle.

  2. Anyone who's smart is a Channing Boe fan. Awesome kid, on and off the ice.
