Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

The Sky is not falling.

This came across my twitter account today. This is to cheer up the people that are bummed out about last weekend's split with UMD. [UND Hockey Twitter]
To those who suggest UND can't protect a lead: Sioux are 9-1-1 when leading after 2nd, 5-2-0 when leading after 1st, 7-2-0 when scoring 1st.
That means if the refs don't blow last weekend game tying goal the Sioux are 10-0-1 in games where they had a two goal lead.

Denver suffered from what some might classify as a bit of a controversy non call as well last weekend in their series with their cross state rival the Colorado College Tigers. In a way It almost karma like, especially after how bad UND got homered in Denver. George Gwozdecky no matter how hard he works the officials isn’t going to get every call to go his way. The irony is that Todd Anderson comes back to bite the Pioneers again. You have to wonder if the Anderson will be working the Pioneers games again anytime soon?
UPDATE FROM MONDAY, after DU coach George Gwozdecky spoke with league officials: “When Patrick was (face-first) on the ice, we were in possession of the puck. In the heat of the moment, they probably regret the decision to not blow the whistle. It makes it even more difficult to blow the whilste seconds later when CC gains possession. As we all review the play, the play would have been blown dead a second or two after he’s down.”

Here’s what happened: Wiercioch escaped a defender behind the DU net and skated the puck up the left side of the zone. Just after he passed it ahead, a crouched Stephen Schultz checked Wiercioch, connecting only with the defenseman’s left knee. Wiercioch was down, and showed no signs of getting up, while DU had possession through the neutral zone, and into the offensive zone. A blocked Tyler Ruegsegger shot gave the Tigers possession, and they skated into the DU zone on a 2-on-1 rush, with Wiercioch face-down on the ice atop the right circle. Less than 10 feet away, Mike Testwuide scored to give the Tigers a 2-1 lead.

DU was furious. Referees Todd Anderson and Brad Shepherd later told Pioneers coaches they saw Wiercioch make an attempt to get up, and apparently lost sight of his actions once the play moved into the other end. From what I’ve gathered, the play should be blown dead because of an injury once the team with the injury has possession, or when the injured player is unable to get off the ice and there is no scoring opportunity at either end. Once the refs didn’t blow it dead when DU had possession, apparently they couldn’t when CC was coming into DU’s zone on
BallHype: hype it up!

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