Goon's World Extras

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Report not true. Genoway still out.

Contrary to reports that have surfaced tonight; Fighting Sioux defenseman Genoway didn't travel to Duluth for this weekend's series and Chay is still out indefinitely. I am not sure how this rumor got out and it’s kind of messed up because if it didn’t come from UND and the Grand Forks Herald I wouldn’t believe it. According to Brad Elliot Schlossman the beat writer for the Fighting Sioux Genoway wasn't even on the bus for Duluth. Sounds like irresponsible journalism by Fox 21.
UMD's riding a three-game winning streak, and sits near the top of the WCHA standings, but as i told you last night, faces a tough test this weekend. That test just got tougher with the news North Dakota will have their top defenseman back on Friday.

Chay Genoway's been out since mid November, after an Aaron Marvin check left him injured. But good news for North Dakota, Chay returns to the ice tomorrow night, which isn't such good news for the Bulldogs.

"They're gonna get genoway back who's probably one of the best defensemen in the country. I think he'll be back which I think is gonna add a lot to their lineup, I think they're 1–2–1 without him, but he's a great hockey player and certainly gonna bring a lot to their team. So we know we've gotta be at our best," said head coach Scott Sandlein.

"Yeah, I mean he's a great player, one of the best D in our league for sure no doubt about it, but he's coming off an injury where you never know, he might be a little scared to be in the corner. So I think we just keep coming and laying the pressure as hard as we can. So I think we're just gonna put pressure on their d all uh, all night," added Justin Fontaine.

The Bulldogs host the Fighting Sioux Friday and Saturday night at 7:07pm.
[Fox 21]

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Son (LOL), I like the new page layout/format change.

  2. So you like the new layout, I figured it was time for a change. My wife doesn't like it though.

  3. I'm with your wife - on the layout that is! :) baddaboom! (Here all week...)

    I think it is a little harder to read and, to slightly butcher a quote from the architect Sarah Susanka; "something can be inviting or impressive, but not both".

    I think the old layout was more inviting. I think this one tries to impress.

    Have fun at your alma mater!

  4. On the Layout Charlie I have gotten quite a few compliments. There really isn't a lot of styles in blogger that I liked. I also think Word Press sucks so I see what happens. There might be a bigger opportunity coming soon. We see what happens.

  5. Sue- gee, Goon picked one of the few layouts offered by blogger that, HUNDREDS of bloggers that use the site have chosen. Get a clue and go back to sucking up to Donald.

  6. not a huge fan of the white font on black background but Blogger sucks so there's only so many passable themes you can have.

  7. yeah there wasn't many that even caught my eye. I find something I like.

  8. I am glad you are getting compliments! Just thought I'd give you my two cents worth. I mean, heck, we usually see so eye-to-eye... :)

  9. Charlie try this version and see what you think. We are going to mess around with the layout till I find something that doesn't hurt my eyes. I am going to try the white back ground for a while.
