Goon's World Extras

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas...

Rex Howell from the Deer Camp Blog has a yearly Christmas card on his outdoor blog and I made it again this season. See if you can pick me out in the picture. I hope everyone is safe and sound at home and not trying to travel through the blizzard that is currently raising havoc on the Midwest. This morning while leaving my house for work I had to wade through 6-8 inches of new snow. It’s definitely hockey weather now. I am sure the sub zero weather will be up soon. 
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Well that was a nice post. I liked it.

  2. I see you but where is your dog?

  3. Obviously you're the guy without a shirt! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAA!

    I bet Dakota is pissed he's not on the picture.

  4. NO that is not me, I am the person three back and to the right of the lab sitting in front. That might be my lab as well I am not sure.

  5. Geek, I knew that wasn't you. Just had to mess with ya!
