Thursday, December 10, 2009

Leafs fans want Wheeler suspended.

Some Leaf fans want Blake Wheeler to be suspended for this hit on Ian White and are upset that he turtled against Colton Orr. According to Elliot Friedman, "Bill McCreary apologized to Ian White for missing Blake Wheeler’s push from behind that sent White hard into boards." I know that the NHL wants to do away with the push checks like this.
Obviously, the fact that Bill McCreary missed the hit is mind-blowing. I won't beat around the bush, Ian White is bang on: he is very lucky. If he had been hit a half a stride or so sooner he could have woken up Sunday with a halo and paralysed from the waist or neck down. Blake Wheeler laid an absolutely filthy hit and the fact that he isn't suspended and that there was no call on the ice highlights the massive trouble the league faces in trying to cut dirty play out of the game.

The more upsetting part was that Blake Wheeler didn't stand up to Colton Orr when it came time to pay the piper. Normally, non-fighters obviously don't have to fight enforcers but 'The Code' is supposed to keep players from making those kinds of hits because they'll have to fight the Colton Orrs of the world. Instead, we saw Wheeler pull his best Claude Lemieux impression while the Bruins were rewarded with a powerplay. Of course, I don't want Orr to pull a Carcillo but is it to much to ask that Blake Wheeler man up? And if he won't, would it kill the league to dish out some punishment? I guess so. [Pension Plan Puppets]

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Watching Wheeler duck out like that reminds me of a post game handshake gone wrong, started by Wheeler who then wouldn't stand up for himself. What a Coward.

  2. I'm shocked shocked that the wuss wouldn't man up.

  3. You just don't like him because he was a gopher, get over it.

  4. Charles who are you directing your comments to, just wondering?
