Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Head shots...

I am not sure why this doctor Dr. Charles Tator is picking a fight with Hockey personality and hockey legend Don Cherry? I have watched Don Cherry on the Coaches’ Corner for over 25 years and I have never heard him out there promoting hitting the opposition in the head. If anything I have heard the opposite, I have heard Cherry blast thugs like Ulfie Samuelsson that play the game cheap. During many shows I have heard Cherry speak against using some of the hardened equipment that players use today. Listen to video and what Cherry has to say, he isn't promoting head shots.
Recently, at the Regina workshop, I indicated that the "rock 'em, sock 'em" type of hockey espoused by commentators such as Don Cherry can no longer be the culture that dictates our game. We need to depart from the "win at all costs" mentality and return to the game when players had respect for their own bodies and respect for their opponents.

This message has been given by many others, such as the McMurtry report on amateur hockey violence in Ontario in 1974. In my book on sports and recreational injuries published last year, the cost of all sports and recreational injuries in Ontario was estimated at about $3 billion.

However, the costs in terms of grieving families and suffering athletes is much more important and of even greater magnitude than we had imagined, as demonstrated by the work from Boston University reported recently in the Star. This report included the case of former NHL player Reggie Fleming whose brain had major damage after repeated concussions.
[The Star]
BallHype: hype it up!

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