Goon's World Extras

Saturday, November 14, 2009

SCSU Diving team 3 and Sioux 2

I think that after watching this game tonight there will be a lot of us left the rink with a bad taste in our mouth. I think a blind five year old could have come to the conclusion that the officiating was horrid in this series but especially bad in tonight game. It doesn’t even end there; officials in the best college hockey league in the country are ruining a great game. Every week we watch these buffoon’s that can't call the game like the NCAA has mandated. What part of they are suppose to protect the offensive player with the puck and enforce the obstruction do they not understand.

The refs in this league is a like a gong show on ice skates. The Refs call penalties for plays that aren’t a penalty and then they also fail to call penalties for plays that againt a blind five year old with a seeing eye dog could see that it’s a penalty. If I did my job as bad as the refs do In this league I would be given my walking papers. Don Adam and Tim Walsh are clowns should be suspended for two weeks and then fired from refereeing games ever again in organized hockey. They are a disgrace to good on ice officials everywhere. 60 Minutes was right in her blog post back in August of 2008 the WCHA officials are a joke. Maybe the WCHA officials need to be given a code of conduct because they need to improve job performance.

SCSU diving team

It’s no mystery that Ryan Lasch and Garrett “Greg Louganis” Roe are great offensive players they are very skilled and play a great up tempo offensive game. I think most people will agree with that assessment, these are elite players in the WCHA. From listening and talking to other fans of WCHA teams, of I can also tell you that a lot of people are tired of these two players’ antics. Each time they visit our arena they spend a great deal of their time over embellishing opposition penalties and diving up and down the ice. It's the Goon's opinion that both players could be awesome Olympic divers and or actors. I think the refs should hand out more un-sportsman like penalties for their antics. Call them a few times and they might give up their shtick.

The Emmy goes to Brian Volpei

In the first period of the game Andrew MacWilliam lays out Huskie with a beautiful text book legal body check on Brian Volpei. The ref called MacWillam for an inteference penalty, after the play Volpei remained on the ice with the trainer trying to milk a five minute major penalty out of the deal, a few times Volpei actually looked up to see if the refs were buying it. Apparently the refs were not buying the Emmy award acting job, MacWilliam was only give a 2 minute minor. On his way to the bench Volpei even yapped at one of the refs. Volpei sat out a couple of minutes and returned to action.

Dude we still got a "Dell"

I have seen people try to blame the Rookie goalie Aaron Dell for the loss and I don’t think it’s fair. The first goal that was scored on the Sioux was the result of a poor play by freshman forward Danny Kristo who failed to hold the puck in at the point and led to an untimely shorthanded goal by Huskies forward Travis Novak. We win as a team and we lose as a team. There is no “I” in team. If you're going to point fingers point them at everyone on the team, it was a horrible team effort. This loss tonight was unacceptable but can be used as a learing experience.

Sioux missed Genoway

I do believe that the Fighting Sioux missed the services of All-American defenseman and Hobey Baker Memorial Award candidate Chay Genoway that was knocked out of last night game with a cheap hit. Genoway is a calming force and makes others around him on the ice better because he has so much creativity in the offensive zone. The Fighting Sioux lacked that confidence and creativity tonight. The Fighting Sioux must find a way to get a split in next week’s series with the Denver Pioneers.

Three Stars of the game

Dan Dunn SCSU
Travis Novak SCSU
Brad Malone UND

[Box Score]
1st Period (20:00)

NDK-1 Andrew MacWilliam (2-Interference) STC 0x1 5:16
NDK-2 Corban Knight (2-Holding) STC 0x2 8:10
NDK-3 Mario Lamoureux (2-Slashing) STC 0x3 9:30
STC-1 Chris Hepp (2-Interference) NDK 0x1 12:46
STC 1 - 0 5x6 SH LL Travis Novak (2) (unassisted) 13:12
STC (+): 12,13,7,25,G41 NDK (-): 25,26,17,7,29,G32
STC 2 - 0 6x6 Ryan Lasch (4) (David Eddy) 15:40
STC (+): 19,22,25,24,16,G41 NDK (-): 3,9,4,11,27,G32
STC-2 Nick Oslund (2-Goaltender Interference) NDK 0x2 15:40
STC-3 Jordy Christian (2-Slashing) NDK 0x3 16:53

2nd Period (20:00)

STC 3 - 0 6x6 GW Craig Gaudet (2) (unassisted) 0:14
STC (+): 4,22,19,7,9,G41 NDK (-): 17,29,25,26,3,G32
NDK 1 - 3 6x6 Brad Malone (1) (David Toews) 1:23
NDK (+): 22,18,4,19,2,G31 STC (-): 11,16,4,12,7,G41
NDK-4 Andrew MacWilliam (2-Holding) STC 0x4 1:56
NDK-5 Ben Blood (2-Tripping) STC 0x5 3:29
STC-4 Sam Zabkowicz (2-Holding) NDK 0x4 5:33
STC-5 Jordy Christian (2-Tripping) NDK 0x5 10:57
NDK-6 Ben Blood (2-High-Sticking) STC 0x6 14:09

3rd Period (20:00)

STC-6 Garrett Roe (2-Roughing) 3:58
NDK-7 Brett Hextall (2-Roughing) 3:58
STC-7 Jordy Christian (2-Hooking) NDK 0x6 7:21
NDK-8 Jake Marto (2-Interference) STC 0x7 10:35
NDK 2 - 3 6x6 EA Chris VandeVelde (3) (Darcy Zajac, Jake Marto) 18:16
NDK (+): 29,11,25,18,7,26 STC (-): 12,27,3,18,29,G41
Timeout - North Dakota 19:42

End of Game

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. I can't even believe I'm going to waste my time by commenting but I'm tired of reading the crap you write. First and foremost. I'm not positive about this but I don't think SCSU's swim team was even competing last night. If that is what you were watching, it would explain the reason for some of your misguided comments. Now, about Lasch and Roe. You made a comment about them being one way players. I'm pretty sure that is why they are on our team. To be offensive players. Here at SCSU we also have defensive players. You should check, NDSU might have some too. Also,calling them divers is just ridiculous and doesn't even deserve more recognition. Second, the hit on Volpei was most definately an elbow to the head. If he was guilty of anything, it would be not "acting" as well as Genoway did the night before. The emmy should go to Genoway and MacWilliams should be thankful for his 2 minute gift. Again, if you weren't watching the SCSU swim team, you might have seen that more clearly. Lastly, I think the one comment we can agree on is the fact that the ref's in the WCHA are horrible. But putting the obvious aside, maybe you should stop making excuses and give some credit to the Player of the game, Dan Dunn. He played a great game and the Sioux just couldn't get the puck by him. Result: You lose!

  2. hey mike, if you're tired of reading goon's "crap", why don't you just stop visiting his blog?

    at any rate, i can guarantee you that ndsu does not have any offensive or defensive hockey players since they don't have a hockey team.

    you do realize this is a sioux hockey blog, right? your comment leads one to believe that you're shocked to find a pro-sioux spin here.

    this particular post was submitted at almost 11pm last night. obviously goon required some venting after a tough loss that certainly had at least one questionable call (that being the disallowed goal). if you don't approve of said venting, that's your right, but don't come here then.

    i'm sure there are plenty of celebratory huskies blogs you can be reading. wouldn't that be more fun for you? why come here and get your blood boiling when you can be getting all those good, healthy vibes at a site more in line with your thinking?

    p.s. these are rhetorical questions. no need to actually reply to them. in fact, we'd all rather you just went away and let us mourn our loss and prepare for the bigger challenge next weekend in denver.

  3. Mike1921 don't read my blog then this is pro-UND, and pro Wild and Boston Bruins blog. I didn't say swim team I said the SCSU Diving team was competing against UND.

    When I got home last night I also went back and reviewed MacWillams hit on Volpei on my DVR and it was legal. I watched about five times to makes sure that I didn't miss something, it was legal open ice hit and the refs blew it.

    The hit on Volpei was right in front of where I sit and we watched him laying face down on the ice then look up to the officials.

  4. LOL, good points Krangodance, I thought the Reffing was poor this weekend and probably ruined the experience for all fans of both teams. I am going to focus on the refs like locus this season.

  5. The fans are spending somewhere in the neighborhood of $200,000 altogether to see each game.

    It's inexcusable that the game can be ruined over and over by crappy officiating.

    There are 44 people wearing skates during a game.

    Why is it that the people being paid to do so are the least competent of the bunch?

  6. Mike has some vaild points here. Roe and Lasch are not on the team to play defense, they are out there to draw penalties and create offense, which they are pretty good at. I'm sick of fans blaming their team's losses on the reffing. Funny thing is, they don't blame the refs when their favorite team wins. Deal with it. Goon, your blog is pretty good and controversial, which is why I like to read it, but when your team loses, deal with it and stop crying. And stop talking about the Wild, they suck and they're boring to watch.

  7. It's called venting. We all do it. I wanted to take a baseball bat to my TV this weekend it was so bad, particularly on Saturday. If I, or anyone else, want to think the refs were HORRIBLE and that Roe and Lasch are divers, than I, or anyone else, is free to do so. I don't think UND lost because of the reffing, but I felt it did make a small difference in how the game went on. Mike-- you lost any respect for anything you said when you said Genoway was faking. Right....

  8. I don't think anyone is blaming the refs for the loss we just want consitant officating. I hear fans from all of the WCHA teams saying the officating isn't up to snuff.

  9. The Wild are the Home Town Team so I will chear for them. I think they are coming around as well.
