Goon's World Extras

Friday, November 20, 2009

Gophers Goon Schack contributes in his limited role

Oh goody! I happened to come across this little gem today when I was reading the Minneapolis Red Star and Sickle. Hockey is a game of honor and to call Brian Schack an enforcer is a disservice to hockey enforcers everywhere. That label for Shack couldn’t be further from the truth. Most enforcers play by the hockey code and if something questionable happens on the ice they challenge that person straight up to a fight, they do not jump them from behind with their gloves and helmets on. So yeah I stand by those statements and I own them. I believe that Goon and Hack are accurate statements in referring to this player.

I know that Channing Boe hit Barriball from behind in that game, however, surprisingly the officials got the call right and had Boe already rung up for a five minute major and a game misconduct. The proper response for Schack would have been to challenge Boe to a fight in the next game. Then I wouldn’t be referring to Brian Schack as being a hack.

All I can say is, “please Donny start Schack the hack against the MSU-M Mavericks so he can get what is coming to him.” The Mavericks and the Gophers play on the weekend of December 4th and 5th. [Gopher Schedule]
Usually he is the guy congratulating others. Or the guy on his knees helping Lucia patch a rut in the ice before practice, as Schack did Wednesday. Or the guy who stands up for his teammates when games become chippy.

"He's a real team guy; people appreciate that," said Jay Barriball, a senior forward out for the season because of a knee injury.

A check from behind on Barriball was the last straw for Schack in a game against Minnesota State Mankato on Jan. 30 last season. Schack went after the perpetrator, Channing Boe, and Boe suffered a broken ankle in the ensuing pileup. Bloggers called Schack a goon, a hack; Lucia supported him.

"That game was getting out of hand," Schack said. "I just stepped in and did what I thought I had to do."

Schack, the enforcer, had 41 penalty minutes last season, but 37 came in two physical battles with North Dakota and the Mavericks.
[Star and Tribune]
BallHype: hype it up!

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