Goon's World Extras

Monday, November 02, 2009

Gophers coach protesting hit on Leddy.

I watched the tape of the hit and I don't think it's an illegal hit, just my humble opinion, it's probably a questionable hit but it's basically the same thing as the hit from Mike Richards on David Booth. Portwood didn't lead with his elbow and he kept his shoulder in. I mean seriously, are we going to come up with a rule now that six feet plus players can't hit ones that are under six feet? Nick Leddy knows better, you have to be aware of who is on the ice at all times, you can not leave yourself exposed on the ice especially when player like Jade Portwood is on the ice. The kid is not known for scoring goals, he is on the ice to hit players.
It was a tough hit. I don't think it was anything intentional with the kid but it was still, in my view, after watching the videotape --- the paper had an unbelievable shot of it. [See Sunday's Star Tribune Sports section.] It was a shot to the head.

"As much as you want to say it was a good hit, there are rules put in. And that's why there is zero tolerance for shots to the head. Just as in football, you don't allow crackback blocks. You don't allow blows to the head. You have rules in there to protect the players for a reason. I don't think the kid tried to, but still it was a shot to the head."

Lucia said he has already talked to Greg Shepherd, the supervisor of officials, about the play. "I talked to our referee in chief and I forwarded it and I think those things have to be looked at because that is a dangerous play," Lucia said. "Even though you are in a vulnerable position, that doesn't mean you can make that hit like that. That is my opinion. That is why the rule is in there."

One reporter after the Gophers' 4-1 victory over Alaska Anchorage, asked Lucia how a player can avoid a hit like that? "You just can't hit him in the head, plain and simple," Lucia said. "That's why it is in the rulebook. Zero tolerance.

"Look at the concussions in the game today. [Leddy] gets out because of a fractured jaw. Those are the kind of hits you want to eliminate from the game."

Lucia said he does not think Leddy will have to have his jaw wired. "I am hoping that within a week or two he can come out and skate a little bit," Lucia said, "so he can stay in conditioning. We'll see how it goes from here."

Shepherd was at the Gophers vs. Alaska Anchorage game on Sunday. But the on-ice action was very tame compared to Friday's game when there were 35 penalties called for 78 minutes.

On Sunday, there were eight minorrs, four per side, for 16 minutes total .

After the league reviews Portwood's hit on Leddy near the end of the first period, I expect he will suspended for at least one or two games. And it should happen quickly, by Monday or Tuesday.

Portwood is a 6-3, 207-pound sophomore from Victoria, British Columbia.
[Star Tribune]
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Goon can you post a video link to the hit. I would like to see the replay.

  2. The heads need to be protected. If you haven't already, read the New Yorker's article on the concussions in the NFL.

  3. Chet I can't find one at all, I would check to see on FCS if the game replay is on, both broadcast will have the play on it. I watched the one angle they had in last night's game and I don't know. I don't think the play warrants a suspension.

  4. I didn't see the hit so I can't comment on it really. From what a lot of people are saying though, Leddy was skating with his head down and it was a legit hit. I don't care much about that.

    What I do have to comment on though is that Whiney Lucia is all over this as if it's the end of the world, yet he thought it was totally acceptable when Schack attacked Channing Boe last year and broke his ankle and then banged his head over and over into the ice, even as he was crawling away..and he grabbed him and did it some more. WTH is up with that crap?!? Lucia is sure getting good at whining and talking out of both sides of his mouth.

  5. @LetsGoMavs

    That is the first thing I thought of when I was reading Lucia's comments, and Schack's attack on the head was far worse and not during the course of a normal hockey play. I watch the game with the Schack incident that was malicious and ugly, not quite as bad as the Bertuzzi incident but close, it had the same mentality behind it. I just think Lucia should be reminded of this when he gets up on his soap box and acts holier-than-thou, because his words just seem hollow and insincere.

  6. LGM, I think you're right, Luica basically excused Schack "the hack" Todd Bertuzzi style attack on Channing Boe and they turns around and has the gall to get upset in a incident that doesn't/isn't even close in comparison and wants the league to issue a suspension. That isn't right.

  7. LGM, I think because of the injury Schack might have to face Channing Boe.

  8. OMG!A coach is looking out for his players! Outrageous!

    OMG! The coach feels more protective of the players on his team than on the opponent's team!

    Stop the presses, this is ground-breaking coaching behavior.

    This too is shot at humor.

  9. Charlie, question for you. Do you think Lucia is being hypocritical? Last season Schack deserved at least a 3-5 game suspension and Lucia did nothing. Now he wants action in this case.

  10. Technically a hypocrite is one who feigns to be what he is not. So (I realize I am quibblbing here) 'no' I do
    not think he is a hypocrite. Do I think he is guilty of applying a double-standard by saying little about Schack and pounding the table when
    when Leddy gets a broken jaw because of a headshot? I can't remember what all he said after the Schack penalty. If he praised Schack that would represent a double-standard for sure.

    This is a bit of a tangent, but is it 'part of the game' when somebody other than Lucia or the Gophers (Let's say UND) clobbers somebody, but unacceptable and disgraceful when
    the Gophers and/or Lucia are deemed responsible? Seems so. I think the Gophers are held to a higher standard by a lot of people.
