Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Being it's Sioux and Gophers week, I figured it was never too early to get this picture posted. Fighting Sioux hockey fans know that Gopher hockey fans are obsessed with anything that is about Fighting Sioux Hockey. We are still debating who is the better player Parise or Vanek. We also can't forget that the Holy Cross game still comes up after six years. I know it's a long time ago but it is still funny. Nothing was more pleasing that watching a bunch of over confident Gopher fans leave the arena in disbelief. My wife informed me yesterday that Scheels is selling Holy Cross shirts. Get them while they are hot.

Of course there are Gophers fans that like to bring up the UNH game but it's still not the same as the Holy Cross game. UNH was a pretty good hockey team, Holy Cross was a sixteen seed.

Not to be out done by Sioux fans, Gopher fans like to bring up this game but this game still brings me much joy as well. A Regional championship > League playoff Championship.

Dirty over at Ditry's Diatribe posted a site that I found pretty comical, the blog post is pretty funny as well. I hope we all remember in the end that this is just a game. We don't need any fights in bars like we had last season. When you get to the point that your ready to start swinging you might have an anger management issue.

Some people really have no life. Apparently Goofs fans love Dave Hakstol as well. This one hasn't gained any steam what so ever.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. As long as there is hockey, this is a war that will never be settled! It's always fun this time of year to anticipate another a season of Sioux/Gophers battles... oh yeah, and thanks for the mention!

  2. No problem and I may be down to buy one of those HC shirts. :)

  3. Oh cripes, you Sioux fans think everyone is obsessed with your team. News flash...people aren't. They just get sick of the antics of your players and fans!!

    Seriously, get over yourself Sioux program/fans/whatever you want to call everyone.


  4. Amy,
    You did read the end of the post where it said humor right? :)

  5. You can pretend it's humor but for most Sioux fans it's not. Sioux fans really think that everyone is obsessed and jealous and all that jazz of them/the program/arena...the list goes on.

    Sioux fans=narcissistic personality disorder

    On a side note, if that dirty Schack is on the ice this weekend, your boys better beat on him!

  6. LOL, not everyone, Gophers fans, you're not a Gophers fan are you?

  7. Yeah, I think you know the answer to that question!!

  8. I have to that I agree with LetsGoMavs a great deal.

    I think it is because UND hockey is sort of like the Green Bay Packers; a bigtime program that has had a lot of success at times in a place that has no other similar outlets to compete with.

    Amy, don't forget that sometimes things start at the top. A coach that flips off the opposing fans sends an 'antics of this sort are a-ok' message.

  9. We are in the process of reforming Amy, I think she is a closet Sioux fan. :)

  10. Charlie I find it funny when Gopher fans lecture the Sioux fans about their coach and his middle finger, that was one time, It was wrong and Hak was said he was sorry.

    If you read Lucia's lips when he talking to the refs he is always dropping F-bombs so I guess that is more acceptable than flipping the bird. Personally, I didn't expect a pretty boy like coach Lucia to use such fowl language.

  11. I think swearing at the ref and giving fans the finger are apples are like apples and oranges. Of course he apologized, but the 'cow was already out of the barn'. (Realistically, he had no choice but to apologize if he wanted to keeping looking for his first NCAA championship with the sioux.)

    ...I hope you aren't implying that rough and rugged looking Dave Hakstal says things like the following to the refs:

    'Gee willikers Mr. Referee, big Joe is still very upset at Mr. Wheeler for that overtime goal in the Excel Center last spring. Please forgive him for his handshaking exuberance. Certainly you can understand. If you don't show a little mercy, this poor child could wind up chucking appliances and such into the street some day and fleeing from law officers. Trust me on this my zebra friend.'.

    Or 'Fudge! Are you sure that gentleman running the clock is not siding with the hometown UNH Wildcats? Could you please inquire as to whether or not we are truly headed into OT? Gosh golly stripes, I certainly would appreciate your help with this matter of importance.'.

  12. Cow out of barn, whew, another farm reference. LOL, Hey Charlie just for the record there are not a lot of cows in the Red River Valley.

    My point is that the coach's do a lot of swearing at the Refs, Hakstol was dumb to get caught on tape waving with one finger. For the most part Sioux fans were probably shocked because Hakstol show little emotion on the bench. Dave actually smiled when the was handed the McNaughton Cup last season. For the most part he is a pretty reserved guy so the finger was out of character.

  13. One more question Charlie, where did the Gophers play in the NCAA tourney last season?

  14. That would be 'in their wet ones' I believe! :)

  15. Just for the record here: my friend bought me Wild season tickets because he lost a bet in the UNH/UND game last NCAA tournament. We left halfway through the third period and he said that if this game ends up better than the UMD/Princeton game we were at the night before, he'd buy me Wild season tickets. Talk about your all-time back fires! Thank you New Hampshire for the tying goal with 0.3 seconds left.

  16. WCHA, that has to be expensive to receive Wild Season tickets? I am not sure even I would have made that bet. I am sure it's got to be fun going to the games even though they aren't very good this season. Now they injury problems.
