Goon's World Extras

Thursday, October 01, 2009

New Standing Rock Tribal Chairman Supports UND's Use of Sioux Name

UPDATE: I just heard that the State Board of Education has extended the deadline for 30 days to give the Standing Rock Tribe a chance to certify its election results.

Cross posted from Say Anything Blog.

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It's a good day to be a Sioux Fan.

Former Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman Charles Murphy has easily defeated incumbent Ron His Horse Is Thunder to win back the job.

Unofficial results show Murphy received 64 percent of the votes in the tribe's general election Wednesday, to 36 percent for His Horse Is Thunder. More than 1,900 people voted.

Mr. Murphy is in favor of letting the Tribe Members vote on the issue something the previous Chairman refused to let happen.

I don't know what other issues were important in this election, but certainly the UND's Use of the Sioux name for their sports names was part of the mix. We know that the members of the Spirit Lake Tribe were overwhelmingly in favor of the Sioux name, and it's not unlikely that the Standing Rock Tribe will feel the same way.

Another factor I'd like to think weighed on this rout was that Ron His Horse Is Thunder was anti-democratic. He didn't seem to care what the public thought about the issue. He seems to have paid for that arrogance.

Funny the unelected State Board of Higher Education has the same arrogance and disdain for the public.

They have a phone conference today to discuss extending their artificial deadline to get the Tribe's support. I don't think they have much choice but to drop their deadline.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jxsnbrown has left a new comment on your post "New Standing Rock Tribal Chairman Supports UND's U...":

    Thank you Associated Press for the only true quotable comment in this piece. Yes, you did say you didn't know what other issues were important in this election. Unfortunately, in what may turn out to be one of the most important elections that North Dakota has seen all you can relate to is the use of a mascot name. When Mr. Murphy's lack of education and ninth grade vacabulary become evident (and they will) I suppose you will say it makes him easy to understand and gives him a "neighborly" feel. All the progress that His Horse Is Thunder has accomplished for the Tribe and the Local & State Legislature will in fact go down the drain. I am sure there will be repeat of Mr. Murphy's legacy of funds diversion, contract negligence and nepotism to say the least. Oh, I am sorry if I'm using words Mr. Murphy cant understand. But then he will have a battery of Lawyers to hand everything off to and they will take a year to get back to him.. and then he to us. Yes, it's that merry-go-round that Murphy rides so well. History will repeat it'self when it comes to Mr. Murphy as Chairman. Unfortunately. He gives Sioux a bad name.. perhaps he could be your mascot.

  3. Jxsn, so let me get this right; Ron His Horse is Thunder was defeated soundly in a fair and square election and it's bad for the Sioux Standing Rock tribe?

    I don't get it, not allowing your tribal members to vote up or down on the name is kosher? So democracy is only good if it suits your needs?

  4. I hate democracy too. I think that the crybaby's should get to control everything.
