Goon's World Extras

Thursday, October 01, 2009

More Silliness from down south.

Holy cow! you really can't make this stupidity up. The Fargo fish wrapper known for it's journalistic excellence uses an out dated and old picture.

I mean seriously, let’s take a look at the picture more closely again. My first question to the Forum is can you at least use a picture that is up to day? Give me a break. Even to the untrained eye you can see that the jerseys the UND students are wearing are pre-Ben Brien Logo. This was the jersey before the current one that UND is using. This would be some where in the 1997-2000 time frame.

For the morons [see comments section] that are suggesting that this is a “Sieg Heil” Nazi salute. Give me a break. For the mentally challenged let’s review, this is not a “Sieg Heil” Nazi salute, it is the sieve, sieve, sieve chant. You know the one that is done after an opposing goalie lets in a goal; if you don’t have hockey at your school you probably don’t understand this concept. Incidentally, the fans in Wisconsin and Minnesota do the same thing when their team’s score a goal. So are you also calling these fans Nazi’s as well?

Check out these comments. Common sense hardly.
CommonSens E - Fargo, ND 10/01/2009 1:12 PM
LOL. awesome pic to go with the story. a bunch of sheeple zombies looking like they are doing a Nazi salute (i know its a tomahawk chop). I bet old racist Ralphy would approve.

Rob W. - Fort Collins, CO 10/01/2009 1:11 PM
I M H O. Fargo, ND 10/01/2009 10:36 AM Anyone else think this conflict makes North Dakota look bad? Not as bad as those fools in Atlanta and Tallahassee FL doing their 'war chant' and tomahawk chop. Not as bad as those fools in Washington D.C. who cheer for a team that was PURPOSELY given a racist name as a way to 'stick it to the heathens'

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. I am really getting tired of these revisionist liberals who will stop at nothing to get their way. Those comments really show those people's ignorance in the matter. It is a logo that shows pride in North Dakota's Native American heritage but for the liberals it is just something to complain about. Why don't we have to change every single Native American reference in the country if this is so terrible? I mean half the towns/counties in Minnesota are named after tribes, chiefs, sayings and many in North dakota too. What about the indian on the Minnesota state flag? Shouldn't we remove that? This just gets so tiresome.

  2. I am too getting tired of these people, now the Fargo Forum has taken down the out of date picture.

  3. Some people actually think that people from Fargo are stupid.

  4. The UND fans were clearly giving the Nazi salute and Texas Longhorn fans are giving the "devil's horns" salute.
