Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

College Hockey fan behavior

This is an article that I wrote for the Illegal Curve.

My dad sent me an account of a Gopher fan’s experience at Ralph Engelstad Arena this past weekend. Was I sitting in a different arena this past weekend?
Sioux Gophers and idiots on both sides.
I was at the Sioux/Gopher hockey games this weekend. The games were in Grand Forks and I was wearing Gopher gear on Friday night. Our tickets were also in the student section. We sat on the very far side of the student section. There were some Gopher fans in front of us who were clearly from the U. They were receiving a bit of heckling, and for the most part it was all in good fun, but there were a few weekend warriors” that went over the line from the UND side of things. They were invading some personal space and getting face to face with the kids from the U. Lots of you are a bitch. and you suck balls. Luckily for everybody involved where I was at, the Gopher kids stayed very chill about these 2 or 3 idiots getting too close to them.

The UND kids clearly had had way too much to drink. The problem was they kept coming back trying to instigate more and more each time. It could have turned bad pretty easy. Check out the story below. On Saturday night we also had student section tickets. I was not looking forward to the abuse again.

The night before there was a very drunk kid behind us who fell into our seats a few times. We were standing each time, but my wife got kicked once. He’s lucky he did not catch the 4 year old girl with a foot. So we got lucky Saturday nights, while we were waiting in line to get into the game some kids from the U said they had normal tickets but wanted to sit in student section. I overheard this and we traded our 4 student tickets for their 4 normal tickets. It was a much better game Saturday and we did not have to get kicked by drunk 19 year olds. All around a better experience.
While this weekend I didn't see a lot of this stuff going on, I have witnessed this type of behavior first hand in the past at venues like the Final Five at the Xcel Energy Center. Who uses this type of language when talking to another fan from a different team in front of young children? These people should have their mouths washed out with soap. That does cross the line of what is considered acceptable behavior at a sporting event. If I brought my two year old daughter to the game I don’t want her to have to listen to this kind of vile stuff. Just because you’re a college student doesn’t give you the right to act like an ass. There is no birthright to sit in that seat at the arena; if you can’t behave, I am sure the REA management can sell that prime seat to someone will be able to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner.

Not to pick on the college students there are many examples of adult fans, both Sioux and Gopher fans, getting out of hand and acting like imbeciles as well. I heard from a friend that a female Gopher fan who happened to be pregnant was heckled and jostled at the arena this past weekend. Who the heck does that kind of a thing? Imagine your girlfriend, wife or mother having this happen to them.

In yesterday’s Grand Forks Herald there was a letter to the editor in which a person described an experience where someone dumped a beer on a Gopher fan’s head from the upper deck. That kind of behavior is unacceptable and only a moron would defend behavior like this. People like this are going to ruin it for the rest of us that like to enjoy a beer without having the game ruined by drunk, belligerent idiots. I can foresee a time where the REA might ban beer sales to college students and or everyone. These types of incidents do not paint a positive picture of Grand Forks, ND, the University of North Dakota, the University of Minnesota or the WCHA. As fans collectively we must behave better, we don’t want to look like a bunch of knuckle-dragging Neanderthals.

I know, call me old-fashioned, but some of the stuff that happened this past weekend seems to be borderline criminal or at least anti-social behavior and should be deemed as inappropriate and unacceptable. None of us should have to be a witness to this type of crap. To top off the weekend, we had an incident between two fans that could be classified as felonious with one person ending up in the ICU wing of Altru Hospital. There is nothing about this series that should lead any of us to start throwing punches at each other.

I am as pro-Fighting Sioux hockey as they come: I am all for a loud arena and an intimidating atmosphere, but some of this stuff is atrocious behavior and unfit for television. My boss who is new to the area went to a Sioux hockey game for the first time and I am sure she was impressed with the F’ the Gophers cheer, way to go UND. Remember there is friendly acceptable back and forth banter and then there is crossing the line. I also have friends that are Gopher fans, and some of them won’t even come up to Grand Forks anymore based on the type of treatment they have received from our fans.

I have to wonder if it is time for college hockey to institute a fan code of conduct for its fans like some NFL teams have. Eventually the University of North Dakota is going to have to address the behaviors of its fans at the REA.
Fan code of conduct

"The National Football League and its teams are committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for all fans, both in the stadium and in the parking lot. We want all fans attending our games to enjoy the experience in a responsible fashion. When attending a game, you are required to refrain from the following behaviors:
» Behavior that is unruly, disruptive, or illegal in nature.
» Intoxication or other signs of alcohol impairment that results in irresponsible behavior.
» Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures.
» Interference with the progress of the game (including throwing objects onto the field).
» Failing to follow instructions of stadium personnel.
» Verbal or physical harassment of opposing team fans.
"Event patrons are responsible for their conduct as well as the conduct of their guests and/or persons occupying their seats. Stadium staff will promptly intervene to support an environment where event patrons, their guests, and other fans can enjoy the event free from the above behavior. Event patrons and guests who violate these provisions will be subject to ejection without refund and loss of ticket privileges for future games."
Like another hockey fan suggested from DU, I like the NFL fan code of conduct policy and I am all for this if being enacted at REA. If you’re an unruly fan and you can’t act in an acceptable manner, your ticket should be taken from you and you will no longer be allowed to be able to attend events in the arena. Attending college hockey is a privilege, not a right. If you can’t act like a member of the human race, do not bother coming to the arena. Someone else will gladly pay a handsome fee for that ticket and act in a respectful manner in your place.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Goon, Right on. Spread the word up there.

    Viking games are equally vile in this regard and I will not take my kids.

    You are right on the money regarding having an intense, intimidating atmosphere without the aggressive (sometimes drunken) behavior that doe snot need to go with it. I don't think I need to tell you that UND games at REA had an image problem before this weekend.

    However, when you say 'These types of incidents do not paint a positive picture of Grand Forks, ND, the University of North Dakota, the University of Minnesota or the WCHA'. I am not sure how anything you wrote paints a bad picture of the University of Minnesota.

  2. I am sick and tired of reading about drunk and beligerant morons getting in ugly incidents with other fans. There isn't any reason a person can't have a few beers enjoy the game without being a jerk to the people around him.

    I think these types of incident make the whole league look bad, yesteray a co worker was talking about how they wouldn't go to SCSU or Minnesota based on their treatment they recieved from the fans in that arena. When I go to SCSU for a game I don't wear my jersey becaue their fans are down right rude.

  3. I forgot about how bad is there too. Those fun-lovin' battery-chuckin' Huskie fans...

    You are right; it needs to be cracked down on wherever it appears.

  4. Charlie,

    I think Goon was kind of insinuating that this stuff happens all across the league and that's what he meant by "These types of incidents do not paint a positive picture of Grand Forks, ND, the University of North Dakota, the University of Minnesota or the WCHA."

    Also the scuffle Goon referred to that caused one fan to end up in the ICU fighting for his life, involved a Sioux fan and a Gopher fan. That also does not paint a positive picture for U of M, UND or WCHA.

  5. It's sad when after a sporting event a couple of people get into a fight and one of them sent to the ICU/SCCU unit because he has a tramatic brain injury that is a result of a couple of fans getting into a fist fight.

    Charlie I am talking about fan behavior in general, it's time we clean it up.

  6. I agree on cleaning it up.

    I will also add that Mariucci is too sterile/corporate for my liking, but I will take my kids there any chance I get. They don't serve beer there and I miss it. However, I will take the family-friendliness hands-down over a beer or two any day. The moment the puck drops I miss the beer less and less...

  7. I couldn't agree more, I am a huge Sioux fan but the F* the Gophers chant is ridiculous. Is that all the more creative we can be. I love huge rivalries, but I like fun rivalries, not ones where there is literally a hatred between fans. Do these fans realize the the players on the ice are often friends off the ice. I think it is fair to say that some people have just taken it too far. I certainly enjoy having a beer at the game and it is pathetic that some of these fans are going to ruin everyone's fun because they have no self control. Especially since many of them are underage so they get so hammered before the game they can't comprehend what they are doing when they get there. I think the University and the Arena need to step up and when they see certain behavior, kick fans out. There is plenty of acceptable chants and heckling that can happen without being rude to the other 13,000 fans that are there.

  8. Good call Kevin, a lot of these guys are buddies off the ice and there was even an article about this in the Herald. I have family members and friends that cheer for the Gophers, I am not going to disown them because they cheer for the Goofs. My brother in law was a gopher hockey player and was texting me during the game, the texts stopped when the game became tied.

  9. Kevin,
    we have lost our civility as a society, the way people talk to each other is atrocious.

  10. Wow. Have you done a complete 180? ...Last season you used to be moderately atrocious here on your blog yourself. I thougth it was fun to view you and your venomous sometimes 'green lenses'-based diatribes as pure evil and enjoyed picking the b.s.-ier aspects of it apart. (In case you hadn't noticed.)

  11. Goon,

    You approached this in the right way: by calling out your own fanbase. No one would have taken you seriously if you had given only instances of Gopher fans being inappropriate this weekend (i.e. the guy who put the other guy in the ICU). All of us need to call out our OWN fanbases and clean our OWN houses. UMD fans are dealing with the same thing: calling out our student section for their bigoted chants made this weekend.

  12. There is a difference between blogging about not liking your team and getting in your face and berating you in front of your kids, see what I am saying.

    I still detest the Gophers and the Pioneers but I don't want to punch their fans out, heck I am friend with some of their fans. I still think Brian Schack, Tony Lucia and Flynn are hacks but I wouldn't start and incident with their parents or family members in the arena.

  13. I thought it was "Puck" the gophers.

    At least that's what we tell the kids.

  14. Most of those morons probably couldn't explain icing, crosschecking, or interference. They're using the occasion to run riot, knowing that if they weren't amongst a crowd of thousands, that if they were on a street corner or in a saloon, they'd get beat up or arrested. Same thing with the riot in Dinkytown after the Gophers won the NCAA. None of those dips had even been to the game, yet felt the need to make a lot of noise and wreck things. Makes you wonder about the human race.

  15. Good read Goon! And yes, we have the same issues from time to time with the student section in Bemidji with the f-bombs. Unfortunitely, I think it is today's college age student's mentality that they are "entitled" to do certain things and there should not be any consequesnces for their actions. "I am in the student section at my college's hockey game and I can do what I want and say what I want, and if you don't like it, you can leave". We have tried to bring back the "good old days" cheers (Red Line Swingers in Bemidji), and they want nothing to do with it. It seems like if they can't string a bunch of swear words together, they want nothing to do with it. I am just dreading the day my daughter asks me what they are saying.

  16. As a former college student that attended BSU the Red Line Swingers were awesome, I am surprised they ever got rid of them.

    I remember the last time we went to a hockey game between UND and BSU with my wife at the Jon Glas field house the PA announcer stopped the game and told everyone that if the language didn't clean up they would basically empty the rink of the students.

  17. violence over a sporting event is lame, but in my experience and observations, it's also extremely rare. the f' the gophers stuff, though? that's been a staple of the student section since before i was there in the early 90's.

    if somebody is getting confrontational, it should be everybody's responsibility to call him out on it and make him feel dumb enough to stop (keep in mind that drunk 19 year olds do not want to look like the bad guy in the eyes of their peers).

    at the same time, if somebody doesn't like the language because they have their family there or whatever, then don't sit in the student section.

    i've been to the ralph a few times and it is way mellow compared to the old ralph; no question.

    i was 19 and drunk at a hockey game several times and those are some great memories of my college experience. i didn't start anything with fans of the other team, but i didn't keep it clean either (nor did many people around me).

    i understand when i see the same behavior from drunk 19 year olds at any college venue. i just stay away from that section and let them enjoy those moments the way i did when i was in their shoes.

  18. Krangodance is making a good point: were people actually more appropriate 10 or 20 years ago than the "kids these days?"

    I read a story about a CC/DU series many years ago where the CC (I think) goalie had a frozen chicken thrown at his head and it either knocked him out or damn near did.

    Why are families sitting in the student section, anyway? That's weird. At UMD only students are allowed unless it's a game over winter break.

  19. Let me try this again this severe head cold is kicking my butt. 1.) My first question is how do you get a frozen chicken into the arena without getting caught? Security must not have been very good back then.

    I have heard that someone threw a dead badger on the ice during the Sioux and Badgers series in the 1980's or early 1990's. of course they were arrested.

    I have a problem with that stuff, but what really gets me is the lack of respect for thy fellow man. Who gets so out of control that they punch someone in the face over a sportings event? I have issues with that. Why not simply return to your car and go home? What was the need to get into someone's face?

  20. Obviously the vulgarity-spewing is nothing new to UND students:

  21. Obviously the vulgarity is nothing new to the UND student hockey fans. It sounds as if it has been out of hand for a while; at least when the Gophers roll into town.

  22. This Opinion article does not paint a very pretty picture ('shorts' comment not withstanding!) of the knowledge level of fans at REA:

    Is the writer off base? Thanks...

  23. I read that article and I thought it was incoherent.

  24. Cornell has one of the best student sections in college hockey. Cornell fans throw fish on the ice after the first goal against Harvard. Its a tradition that's existed for decades.


  25. Goon, Are many of the fans at UND games as unknowledgeable and out of it as the article implies? Based on your blog, I had always assumed that it was a pretty savvy fan base.

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