Goon's World Extras

Thursday, September 10, 2009

So are you offended?

This is the picture that was on the cover of the Texas Tech-UND media guide and it had some in the the P.C. anti Fighting Sioux name crowd offended. Even causing the University of North Dakota to issue a statement about the Tech Tech Picture; “I don’t think the image represents the University of North Dakota the way we would like to be represented,” UND spokesman Peter Johnson said, “but I also think it’s impossible to control the behavior of opposing teams.”

You can't control the behavior of teams and or individuals. Like or not these behaviors are protected under the first amendment. Personally I don't think Texas Tech meant any offense with their picture and maybe we can chalk it up as a learning experience. I don't think Texas Tech will make the same mistake again if we play them in football again. Personally, I have seen a lot worse posters and signs from the old days of the NCC football, say maybe at a Sioux Bison game back in the 1990's out at Memorial stadium or at the Fargo Dome.

I think this latest dust up with the Texas Tech media guide is a perfect example Of what we have become. We have become a nation of hypersensitive complainers ready to jump on the slightest thing that we think or perceive as offensive. I looked at it and I am not offended by the picture.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. I'm offended as a rational person that other people are offended by this.

  2. Sometimes you just have to have a little fun. Gee, I'm pretty sure I'm guilty of being part of a group my freshman year that made a homecoming banner with Stomper (the bull) pushing down a dynamite box and blowing up a Bison. OOPS! Bigger Sophmore year the same group had t-shirts and the back was Stomper pooping out a Husky. I must say, the first time Heather saw that shirt she was NOT impressed. Crap, makes me wonder where I put that shirt. I should dig it out:)

    Oh...and our float was the deathmobile from Animal House. Ah, good times...back when we weren't quite so P.C.

  3. When I say the picture I have to admit that I laughed because I knew this would not be appreciated by some especially the P.C. anti Fighting Sioux name people. I consider it an honest mistake.

  4. I think it is actually a really neat poster and people should be pleased that a big name program like Texas Tech even took the time to create a poster like this.

  5. Kinf of off topic here, but everytime I watch "Blazing Saddles", I can't help but think of the uproar if that was released in this day and age (of course I am laughing my ass off at the same time)? People are just too uptight now.....

  6. I grew up in Grand Forks and love the University of North Dakota. I have taught for 11 years on an Indian Reservation and I have a different view of this issue. The average Sioux fan has no idea what plagues the people who live on reservations. Poor housing conditions, unhealthy home life, teen-suicides, crime, poverty, malnutrition and the list goes on.
    I am sorry Sioux fans, but this is offensive subject for all native people. Native Americans are a proud people and do not like to be on the same level as animals and cartoons. This nickname has been offensive for 79 years. You can't stop Texas Tech from making cartoons and you can't stop NDSU and gopher fans from saying. "Sioux Suck".

    My Native American friends and people are more important than a college nickname. Aren't they?
