Friday, September 04, 2009

Holy Cow!?!

Apparently the fans over on are all up in arms because Fighting Sioux football head coach Chris Mussman said go Cyclones at the end of his interview with Dan Hammer. For all of the people getting excited about this; just for the record Chris Mussman played his college football at ISU from 1987-1990 so maybe it's time to remove your panties from the crack of your ass and settle down. I mean seriously, Mussman didn't say, 'you can't have suck with out SU.' Maybe he should have. Mussman simply said, "go Cyclones." Not everyone in Fargo is a Bison fans. [listen to the clip here]

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. i went and read that thread. two things i found particularly entertaining are:

    1. even though mussman's alumnus status was pointed out at least a dozen times throughout the conversation, people still kept posting about how classless it was to take a shot at ndsu, as if his alumnus status has nothing to do with his comment.

    2. over half the posters there seem to truly believe that by some absolutely, off-the-wall, crazy coincidence, all the "well-behaved" fans in north dakota somehow ended up at ndsu and all the "classless" fans somehow ended up at und. that assertion alone is classless. man, how i love irony.

  2. This is why I think Bison fans are more dense than the Gopher fans and the Gopher fans would have understood the fact that Chris went to ISU. I can't wait till UND knocked NDSU's **** in the dirt the first time they play in football. Here is what is going to happen, UND is going to close the gap quicker than the Bision fan think and by the time they play they will be pretty much equal.
