Goon's World Extras

Thursday, August 27, 2009

More on the Phoenix Coyotes

I wonder if anyone else is confused. This sounds almost like the Montreal Expos situation where the league owned them and then they moved to Washington, D.C. The Coyotes have been a drain on their owners since they plucked the team out of Winnipeg. It would also be a shame if the Coyotes Arena was left just hanging.
After months of espousing its commitment to keep the Phoenix Coyotes in Glendale, Ariz., the NHL appears unsure hockey can work in the desert after all.

In an about-face, the league's bid to purchase the Coyotes out of bankruptcy court specifically mentions it is open to relocating the team.

"By acquiring the team at this time, the NHL will be able to salvage the team's 2009-10 season and can establish a more constructive timetable in which to solicit acceptable offers from qualified parties, including, if a potential buyer wishing to keep the team in Glendale cannot be found, conducting an organized process to relocate the franchise in another territory," the league states in its bid put before the Arizona bankruptcy court.

The league made its bid late on Tuesday, the same day Chicago sports entrepreneur Jerry Reinsdorf withdrew his offer.

The NHL bid mentions nothing about a commitment or desire to keep the team in Phoenix and casts further doubt on the team's viability in Phoenix by stating: "Despite the continuous efforts to facilitate the sale of the Phoenix hockey club to a qualified owner committed to keeping the team in Glendale, the NHL has reluctantly concluded that it is necessary to submit this bid for the NHL to acquire and operate the team." [Globe and Mail]

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. The league could care less about the Coyotes moving. They just don't want Balsille owning a team.

  2. I think you're right and I don't think the league should just give up on the yotes yet. I am also not a fan of Basille getting the team.
