Goon's World Extras

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Facebook poll on the Fighting Sioux name.

There is a poll on face book right now on whether UND should keep the Fighting Sioux nick name. The poll results are like 92% for right 2% against the name and 1%.

Here is what Archie D. Fool Bear had to say on this matter, I think it is worth a read and he does give a strong case for keeping the Fighting Sioux nick name. Just for the Record Archie is a full blooded Native American from the Sioux tribe and he is for the University of North Dakota keeping the Fighting Sioux name.
Archie D. Fool Bear 10:53 pm
The deadline is not written in stone.. The actual Court order says 2010, not Oct 1 2009. From my experiences.. UND did not create prejudice, hatred or a hostile environment..but you can guarantee those who look for the worst in any thing will find it. If you look hard enough for bad you'll find it, but the same is true for the Good. The logo didnt create what the anit-logo group is saying, and this issue isn't a cowboy NDN issue its an issue of whether or not our own tribes truly believe in their customs, practices and traditions. In 1969 we gave UND the right to use name. I like what the Spirit Lake did, the people voted to see that their opinion mattered and they did not listen to the negative people. The anti Sioux Movement came to standing rock to change the tribes name, using the UND issues, but it didnt work in June 2008 the people of Standing Rock overwhelmingly voted down the name change . There lys the fear of a vote for the people of Standing Rock.

BallHype: hype it up!

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