Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Add team New York.

David from the posted team New York today. As you can see from the other teams posted there are some impressive players from the teams from Michigan, Minnesota and New York. It's a matter of fact that Michigan is loaded.
Team New York is an interesting mix. The 27th largest state in the union based on total geography, it ranks as the third in total population. As a result one would expect that New York state would be well represented in the NHL. Turns out that it currently ranks third, behind Michigan and Minnesota.

Very talented group of forwards without alot of pop from the back end. The goalie contingent looks like a future Red Wings goalie camp. To complete our trio we had to coax a goalie out of recent retirement to have a full compliment of tenders.
You can see the following teams: Team Quebec, Team Maritimes, Team Ontario, Team Saskatchewan, Team Michigan, Team Manitoba, Team Alberta, Team British Columbia , Team Minnesota, team New York.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. I am not saying this as a homer, but I think Minnesota has both those teams beat except for goaltending. Minnesota has never really produced much for goaltending but the rest of that team is solid, young and fast and creative, perfect for today's game.

    Where are teams Wisconsin and North Dakota? Goon, you should put together both of those teams.

  2. with a population of maybe a half million, team north dakota wouldn't likely even be a complete roster. team und, on the other hand, now that would be a good team.
