Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

WCHA Moves a Wash for College Hockey

This almost sounds like sour grapes by the CCHA. The WCHA stepped up to the plate and helped save BSU, now someone can step to the plate and take some leadership. This is what happens when your last to the party. The CCHA knew this was coming and sat by an let it happen.

It's almost seems like the CCHA is looking down their nose at UAH. The NCAA division one hockey CAN NOT allow any more teams to fall by the way side or division one hockey risks losing at large bids for the NCAA Hockey tourney, that is a lose, lose situation for everyone concerned. My question is; did you want to just sit by the way side and let two programs disband? No one else has come up with a suggestion or a solution. The fact remains that Danton Cole is a good coach with a solid hockey back ground that will do a good job getting UAH competitive in the CCHA. Seriously, he couldn't do any worse than some of the teams that were in the bottom half of that CCHA league standings last season. Plese tell me these teams aren't looking are looking down their noses at UAH. Now is not the time to be petty, it's the time for solutions and what is best for college hockey.
The WCHA has talked a lot about doing what is best for college hockey. But while adding Bemidji State -- after BSU had run out of options to keep its program viable -- was certainly a gracious and strong move by the WCHA to benefit Bemidji State, its effect on college hockey as a whole is more neutral if it negatively impacts the CCHA.

McLeod tried to sell it, saying that UNO's move can be an overall benefit to college hockey as a whole, because the chain reaction effect could result in saving Alabama-Huntsville as well.

"I have a long relationshp with Tom, and we openly discussed this, including three weeks ago in San Antonio at meetings of the (NCAA) championships committee," McLeod said. "Tom is first class all the way. As an individual, I have nothing but good things to say.

"Having said that, we went into this process above board, to do it the right way best we could. Part of that was keeping Tom informed. I hope he would say we followed through on that. It's clear he didn't want to lose Omaha. It speaks to their caliber. And actually, he made some other suggestions to me -- why not think about these things.

"I've proven in the past with involvement getting the WCHA going -- I work for the WCHA -- but I need to step back and look at what's best for college hockey in general. Hopefully if it (WCHA expansion) worked out with Omaha or someone else, that would open a slot (for Alabama-Huntsville). That may not have be the same caliber or attractiveness (as UNO), but that we could save another program. ... I hope that happens."

Still, there is no question that the CCHA takes a hit -- at least in the short term -- from this switch. No offense to Albama-Huntsville, but its program, and the commitment to the program, do not currently approach what Nebraska-Omaha is. [college hockey news]

Update: To quote the article: But CCHA people have been understandably irked by the WCHA's insistence that this is "best for college hockey." I still stand by my comments, “No one else has come up with a suggestion or a solution.” Tell me who else has taken the leadership? While everyone involved might not be happy with UNO moving to the WCHA it solve a problem no one else wanted to tackle.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. the only issue the CCHA has, I believe, is the claim that it was "best for college hockey" to take UNO ... there's no way it could say that. Everyone did what was best for themselves. Which is OK. Just don't try to make it seem otherwise.

  2. Adding Bemidji was not best for the WCHA, Adam.

  3. Bemidji fits in perfectly with the WCHA bottom half, so how is this worse for the WCHA?

  4. Making certain that Bemidji State remains a viable Division I program is what's best for college hockey. I didn't see any other conference clamoring to take in BSU. So if the WCHA didn't rescue the Beavers, who would?

    Expanding the WCHA to 12 teams is not necessarily good for the league. But if it had to be done, adding BSU and UNO was the best available option for the conference.

    Unfortunately, the WCHA's action has put the CCHA in the position of keeping a team it would prefer to lose (UAF) and taking a team it doesn't want (UAH). I can understand why the CCHA isn't happy with that outcome. But it wouldn't have happened if UNO hadn't been ready and willing to switch leagues.

    Adding Bemidji State to the WCHA was in the best interest of college hockey. Adding BSU and UNO to the conference was in the best interest of the WCHA.

  5. Donald I honestly don't care what you have to say that is why I deleted your post, however, if I ever want to ask a angry 48 year what they think I will ask you.

  6. Finley on Bruess:

  7. Check out the comments about the Oshie "celebrity list". LMAO!! Notice it's all good things about Hockey God David Backes:)

  8. I certainly wouldn't say that the CCHA, as a conference, or necessarily any of its member schools specifically, are "looking down their noses" at UAH. From everything I can tell, the league and its members have taken UAH's application as seriously as UAH has taken the application.

    The problem I have is with the perception of UAH as a "lesser program" than UNO. Let's be honest, with a little different luck 10 years ago when UAH and UNO were both exploring Division I membership the entire conversation would be completely reversed.
