Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dubay sentenced to workhouse.

It would appear that Jeff Dubay has hit rock bottom. Now, I hope Jeff can get his act together, beat this thing and move on with his life. I think one thing we all might want to consider is human beings make mistakes and have issues and I hope Jeff works his way through this mess and turns his life around.
Former KFAN-AM radio personality Jeffery Dubay was taken into custody this morning on a drug possession conviction from October after he failed to complete two substance abuse programs issued by the court.

Ramsey County District Judge Joanne Smith ordered Dubay, 41, of Plymouth, serve a sentence of 180 days in the county workhouse with credit for 18 days served and a stayed sentence of up to five years probation.

Dubay also must complete a chemical dependency program and recommended aftercare. He must abstain from mood-altering substances, submit to random drug and alcohol tests, and remain law abiding.

Dubay was taken into custody immediately after his sentencing.

"I think it's appropriate at this time that Mr. Dubay understand the consequences of his actions," Smith said.

The drug charge came from an Oct. 15 traffic stop in Maplewood. An officer saw Dubay throw what looked like a yellow napkin out the window, according to a criminal complaint. The officer retrieved the item and found a small plastic bag containing a substance that tested positive as cocaine. It weighed 0.45 grams, or about 0.016 ounces.

Dubay later said he was in Maplewood to pay a drug debt of $200, the complaint stated. [Pioneer Press]

BallHype: hype it up!

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