Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Canucks prospect pays his own way

Props to Richard from the Illegal Curve. Interesting article on Gophers forward Jordan Schroeder. I am surprised that Gophers coach Don Lucia didn't send Jordan with a shadow to make sure he comes back to Minnesota without a contract in hand. Also in the article you will notice a few familiar names of UMD Bulldog players Mason Raymond and Evan Oberg.
Jordan Schroeder, the Vancouver Canucks’ first-round pick in last month’s draft, had to borrow money from his father to attend the NHL team’s prospect camp at the University of British Columbia this week.

Schroeder, who attends the University of Minnesota, is subject to the strict rules of the U.S. National Collegiate Athletic Association. To protect his amateur status, and to be eligible to play for the Golden Gophers later this year, Schroeder had to pay his own way and must take care of his own lodging while in Vancouver.

“I definitely wanted to come and show the organization that I’m interested,” said Schroeder, the 22nd pick in the draft who has yet to sign a professional contract. “I wanted to prove to them that I can come in and pay my dues, even if it costs a little bit.”

Schroeder, 18, isn’t the only one paying his own way to take part in team-organized events. While other U.S. collegians among the two dozen or so prospects at camp this week face the same financial requirements, the Canucks also have NHL veterans and hopefuls digging into their own pockets to travel to Vancouver this summer.

The Canucks are holding off-ice training sessions with strength and conditioning coach Roger Takahashi. Every player in the organization is invited to take part in the GM Place workouts, though they are more suited for younger players looking to improve their game or their chances of making the team at training camp this fall. [the Globe and Mail]

BallHype: hype it up!

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