Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

12 teams means more $.

One of my buddies who will go un-named emailed me this retort. It makes sense. Just for the record the Super Six idea gives one more team a chance to advance to Saint Paul in March, but it also means more money for all teams involved.
A 12 team WCHA league is NOT a money loser that deprives each team of $20,000.........Let us not forget if there were 12 teams in the WCHA there will be an additional first playoff series.............which means..........

In 2009 SCSU would have hosted a first round play off series and they would have sold 12K to 18K tickets at $30 a pop for $360,000 to $540,000 for the WCHA to be split 12 ways = meaning each team would have received an additional $25,000 to $40,000 after expenses

In 2008 WISCONSIN would have hosted a first round play off series and they would have sold 20K to 30K tickets at $30 a pop for $600,000 to $900,000 for the WCHA to be split 12 ways = meaning each team would have received an additional $40,000 to $70,000 after expenses

In 2007 WISCONSIN would have hosted a first round play off series and they would have sold 20K to 30K tickets at $30 a pop for $600,000 to $900,000 for the WCHA to be split 12 ways = meaning each team would have received an additional $40,000 to $70,000 after expenses

In 2006 SCSU would have hosted a first round play off series and they would have sold 12K to 18K tickets at $30 a pop for $360,000 to $540,000 for the WCHA to be split 12 ways = meaning each team would have received an additional $25,000 to $40,000 after expenses

SO, going to 12 teams is profitable, and does NOT come at a loss of revenue

12 team WCHA ALSO gives the WCHA another Super SIX playoff game, which is one more than a FINAL Five format for even more money to distribute......WCHA can charge more for XCEL playoff package Because there's another playoff game included.....two on Thursday instead of one Thursday night play-in game

Finally, as a rebuttal to the UAF proposal.........any team can already go to UAF every year and get the exemption NOW if they wish, and can then have two more home games for doing so......teams do not need UAF in their own conference to travel to UAF for an exemption........they can already do that NOW IF THEY WISH

12 team WCHA increases revenue, and even more with UNO because of potential for huge home playoff draws as well

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Home series playoff revenues are not shared amongst league members.

    Try again.

    And just so you know ... the numbers I used on my blog are very conservative. I went with 15 dollars a ticket. You use 30.

  2. You couldn't resist going there, could you?!? I knew you would. I still stand by my comment about what things will look like in 5 years. I don't care to post it here to just argue...I'll avoid any interactions that can be summed up with a diagnosis of which I already gave you:) Happy fighting!

    For the record, I will say I agree with you. I don't see UAF coming to the WCHA, it'll be UNO.

  3. To clairify, I'm chatting at YOU Goon! I knew you would take on the UAF/UNO argument.

    I will be right in 5 years and you will owe me lunch.

    You will be chopped up into pieces and fed to Dakota if you don't type wisely:) I'll miss ya though and send the cops in the right direction for your killer. HE HE HE.

    For the record, I look crazy right now cuz most of these comments are related to off blog talk. Oh well...not like I'm the only one who looks crazy....hmm...(and no, not you).
