Friday, May 22, 2009

Wyshynski on Bayda cross check.

Here is what Greg Wyshynski of Puck Daddy had to say on the match penalty former Fighting Sioux player Ryan Bayda took at the end of last night's game. I really think no matter what Colin Campbell does on this matter he is going to be a loser. First we determine cross checks are bad and worthy of a one game suspension but then sucker punches at the end of the game are OK and worthy of no suspension.
• Let's see: Ryan Bayda(notes) took Kris Letang(notes) hard to the boards on an icing call with 1:19 left in the game and then cross-checked him to the face. Intent? Check. Stick work? Check. Blow to the head? Check. "Message sending" at the end of the game? Check. Match penalty? Check. It doesn't get more cut-and-dry for supplementary discipline by the standards the NHL has established this postseason. Which of course means Colin Campbell will instead nominate Bayda for the Nobel Peace Prize ...

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Here is my take on the Byada cross-check... Yawn. It's the playoffs grow a pair.

  2. Yeah I didn't think it warranted a suspension either.
