Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My definition of the Redwing.

I think the 2009 Stanley Cup final is going to be Boring. While Pittsburgh is a good team with some exciting young players, we can start the debate of who is better between Malkin and Cindy Crosby, here are a few words that I would use to explain their opponent the Detroit Redwings: tedious, dull, monotonous, repetitive, unrelieved, unvaried, unimaginative, uneventful; characterless, featureless, colorless, lifeless, insipid, uninteresting, unexciting, uninspiring, unstimulating; unreadable, unwatchable; jejune, flat, bland, dry, stale, tired, banal, lackluster, stodgy, vapid, monochrome, dreary, humdrum, mundane; mind-numbing, wearisome, tiring, tiresome, irksome, trying, frustrating; informal deadly, ho-hum, dullsville, dull as dishwater, plain-vanilla.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. You're an idiot if you really think this. Detroit is the one team in my opinion that plays offense first and foremost before defense. They rely on scoring depth and are not top-laden with a couple of goal scorers because just about everyone on their team can bury the puck on a relatively consistent basis. Not only that, they are the model franshise in the NHL and have been for the past dozen years. Every other team should try and duplicate what they've done with an up-tempo, puck-possession style of hockey. 4Stanley Cups, 4 President Trophies, and 9 strait seasons of 100 points or more speaks for itself.

  2. In my opinion I think Detroit is a boring team Comprised of Swedes and Finns.

  3. Goon I have to disagree.

    Detroit led the league in goals for this year with 289 goals, second was Boston with 270. That is easily the biggest gap between any two teams when you go down the list at In the playoffs they rank 2nd in goals for behind only the Penguins.

    Secondly they have arguably the greatest defenseman of his generation in Nik Lidstrom, the oldest player in the league and future HOFer Chris Chelios, two unbelieveably talented players who should/have finished in the top 10 in MVP voting over the past few years in Zetterberg and Datsyuk, a playoff monster the likes of which hasn't been seen in years in Franzen, one of the best coaches in the league, an absolute bruiser in Kronwall, great redemption stories like McCarty and Cleary, and I didn't even mention Marian Hossa.

    Let me also state that I hate the Red Wings; hate them but respect them. The Blackhawks are my favorite team. I hate the Wings not because they are too boring but they are too dominant.

    I agree the Wild's style of play is boring but not the Wings.

  4. Very valid points there Seejowski. You laid it out there very simple with raw facts and statistical data. Anyone that understands the sport of hockey can see the dominance of the Detroit Red Wings. Goon should just fess up and admit he's wrong...

  5. WCHA and SeeJowski it's my opinion that Detroit is boring to watch and I know I am not the only one that feels that way, if you want to watch a bunch of finns and swedes play hockey more power to you knock your self out.

  6. Did you even watch the Western Finals????? 3 overtime games out of 5, lots of hitting, lots of scoring, if you think that is boring then you don't have a clue and you have just ruined the credibility of this blog. Who cares if there is a bunch of swedes and finns on the team! What does that have to do with anything? Those players are in the NHL for a reason, and they continue to prove year after year that they are the best in the world. I also believe you made a comment to me on that the wings would not make it past the 2nd round because of there goaltending. That didn't really work out did it. I think the Penguin/Red Wings series will be great for the NHL and i think it will be even better than last year. You can always watch the NBA if you want, you don't have to watch.

  7. Heh, if that's how you describe the Wings, what do you use to describe the Wild :D

    At least Detroilet goes out, scores goals, wins games, and has success in the post-season. And if you watch most of their regular season games, they have a habit of going down early and making some pretty stunning comebacks. Its not like they just go up by eleventy bazillion goals within 2 seconds of the start and then coast.

  8. Goon, I understand that you may not like them because they don't have a lot of North American players, that's fine, that's your right. But to say their style of play is boring because of where they are from is crazy. Give me some insights and stats about the Wings to prove they are boring to watch, I CAN be convinced or at the very least I will realize your opinion is well thought out but just differs from mine.

    Or to avoid any more long comments from me instead of saying "Their style of play is boring," say "I dislike them."

  9. Boosh, the term I would use for the Wild is mind numbing and boring. The new GM is going to fix the current style of play.

  10. It's my humble opinion that the Redwings are boring. You've countered with your own opinions. That's called give and take. I also believe that Malkin is > Crosby. It's called opinion.

    Personally I think the best series was Washington and Pittsburgh and Boston and Carolina. Last night after the third period I called my buddy and said this is boring game and the Blackhawks are going to lose.

    I will be chearing for the Penguins during the Stanley Cup Finals. Also, I am not the only one that feels this way about the Redwings I even made a link to the search for you


    Visit the link above to see a more accurate search of how boring the Red Wings are. Maybe you are inexperienced using search engines such as google but your search, which you linked in a previous comment simply finds any websites which have the words: red wings are boring to watch. This search brings up any websites which contain those words. The problem is the words may not be in that order. When you put quotations around those same words you used to search, as I did in the above link, you are assuring all results contain the words in that order.

    With your search method you could feasibly find website which says "RED skittles ARE the best. WINGS was a BORING tv show TO WATCH"

    Also the link below shows how we can manipulate Google to show what we want.

    The search: red wings are exciting to watch with no quotes yields about 4.8 million more results than your original search.

  12. Also I do know the definition of the word "opinion" as I used it in my post stating that your are entitled to your opinion.

    Again I ask why IN YOUR OPINION the wings are boring? Without changing the topic to Crosby vs Malkin or which playoff series you thought was the best. BTW how could you leave out Carolina New Jersey on that?

  13. Seejowski, I can't comment on the NJ and Carolina series because I only watched the last 3 minutes of game 7. That three minutes was pretty exciting. I worked the evening shift that week and wasn't able to see it.

  14. Seems that puck daddy is on about the same line as me this is what he had to say the Wings last year.

  15. 77 shots on goal by both teams and tied 1-1 in an overtime game, that sounds like a pretty boring game to me. Game 5 of the west finals was one of the best games of the NHL playoffs. Were you really watching?

  16. I don't watch hockey for a goalie duel. Does it really matter? It was a boring game, the goal by Kane was a thing of beauty but that was as far as it went.

  17. Thats why i have a problem with what you are saying, the series had everything, lots of scoring, hitting, great goaltending. I will let it go though because anyone that reads this blog knows you are wrong and i really do not need to waste anymore time talking about it. anyone that watched the games knows the series was anything but boring.

  18. Go back and re-read the post I said that the Redwings are tedious, dull, monotonous, repetitive, unrelieved, unvaried, unimaginative, uneventful; characterless, featureless, colorless, lifeless, insipid, uninteresting, unexciting, uninspiring, unstimulating; unreadable, unwatchable; jejune, flat, bland, dry, stale, tired, banal, lackluster, stodgy, vapid, monochrome, dreary, humdrum, mundane; mind-numbing, wearisome, tiring, tiresome, irksome, trying, frustrating; informal deadly, ho-hum, dullsville, dull as dishwater, plain-vanilla.

    No where did I say that the Redwings weren't a good team, because they are a boring great team. If you like Euro hockey knock your self out, not everyone has to take your point a view. Frankly I was hoping the young Blackhawks would have given us hope. I will gladly bet you a beer that the Pens win this series, but it doesn't replace the fact that I almost feel asleep in last night's game. I watched every game in this series except game 4 and I listed to the game on XM radio and watched the game expost facto.

    As I posted on my twitter page I said that the first two rounds were much more exciting than the last one. I hope this SCF proves to be some exciting hockey.

  19. You made a complete fool of yourself in this post Goon. You have dropped a rung on the hockey respect ladder.

  20. It's called a difference of opinion, fine your entitled to your opinion, I am not drinking the Detroit kool-aide.

    I asked a couple of great hockey minds, the voice of the BSU beavers and one of the puck daddy bloggers and they agree as well that Detroit is boring, one said that Detroit is robotic. I also said in the past that the Wild were mind numbingly boring.
