Goon's World Extras

Friday, May 15, 2009

Logos what can stay and what can go.

I have seen the question posed on what can stay and what would have to go to be compliant with the NCAA settlement. I have also seen a lot of stuff that is incorrect, this should clear things up.
If UND had to drop the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo and the privately-owned Ralph Engelstad Arena wanted to host NCAA post-season games, it would have to remove many of the 2,400 logos it now contains.

What would stay and what would have to go?

The legal settlement between the state and the NCAA, which opposes Indian nicknames, says “images commonly associated with Native American culture” are not allowed, except these:

- Images of historical significance: These include championship banners, photos, trophies and statues, such as the Sitting Bull statue in front.

- Images that would be cost prohibitive to remove, namely the logos in the granite floor.

- Images the arena may replace over time: These include carpeting, turf, wood flooring, medallions on the seats and railings, lighted logos outside and etched glass door. Each item has a timetable for replacement from the end of 2011 to the end of 2015. (read the article here)

Also, if there logos were going to be changed don't expect Ralph Engelstad Arena or the Engelstad family to play for the changes it isn't going to happen. Nor should they be expected to pay for it. Maybe the people that wanted the Fighting Sioux name changed should poney up the money. Maybe team North Dakota can get a grant from the Federal government to pay for the changes.
On Friday we asked for a reaction from Jody Hodgson, the arena’s general manager and a representative of the Engelstad Family Foundation.

He said, among other things, that the arena’s preference, no matter the outcome, is to avoid any changes, such as removal of the logos. If changes were needed, he said, the arena won’t pay the more than $1 million cost.

The legal settlement between the state and the NCAA, which opposes Indian nicknames and imagery, requires the removal of many Sioux logos in the arena before UND can host a post-season game there. The settlement origi-nally set a Nov. 30, 2010 deadline to get tribal approval to use the name.
(read the article here)

Lastly, I have heard people say that the arena is going to blow up or be destroyed if the Fighting Sioux name is changed. Let's get serious, that's is not going to happen, folks. It is an urban legend that was started after the construction of the REA was almost stopped back in 2000 because of political correctness run amok. No one can find any documentation that says this because it is not true.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. People think the arena is going to blow up? Jeez, where the heck do they live, Stupid Town? Anywho, who really cares if you host post-season crap or not, screw that and keep the arena the same. Be the University of North Dakota and have the logo stay the same in the arena, just no hostile and abusive name or jerseys

  2. That really seems like a waste of time, money, and resources to remove logos from the interior of that building, doesn't it? If there was a chance that these logos were going to be removed in the near future, why were they built in the first place? Blowing up that building is obviously nothing but hogwash and anyone that thinks it may happen is "a few fries short of a happy meal." By the way Goon, how about those Bruins???

  3. Didn't Ralphie put all the logos in there simply to make it a royal pain in the ass to remove them all, or was that just an urban legend?
