Goon's World Extras

Friday, May 29, 2009

ESPN going broke? Probably not.

Tip of the hat to Buddy Pass for this little nugget. Seems like everyone has been effected by the financial problems, so why not Television? In the comments to this article someone suggested just cutting Chris Berman's job, then everyone wins including the cafeteria. They could always cut Barry Melroses position then college
hockey fans wouldn't have to listen to Barry call college hockey games.
BRISTOL, Conn.— ESPN has notified about 100 employees that they will be losing their jobs.

The layoffs are part of a plan announced by ESPN Chief Executive George Bodenheimer in January, when he told employees the sports television giant would be reviewing its entire operation and also would cut about 200 jobs, leaving about 100 vacant positions unfilled.

Company spokesman Josh Krulewitz says ESPN plans to replace the jobs that have been cut with others that "more effectively grow our company, and our head count number, ultimately, will remain consistent with current levels."

ESPN, a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Co., employs about 5,400 people worldwide, including about 3,400 at its Bristol, Conn. campus.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Goon - almost every company in America is right sizing. I hardly think this speaks to the fact that ESPN is going under as the blog post's title suggests.

  3. yeah I suppose you're right, up here in ND we have pretty much been untouched by the finacial down turn so far.
