Goon's World Extras

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Alumni and Students should decide.

This article is in today's Bismarck Tribune. First off lets not start kicking dirt on the Fighting Sioux logo just yet. Let the people that are doing the outreach to the two Sioux tribes finish with their work. Second, this isn't some stupid contest. This should be a process that needs to be taken seriously and should be respectful. Some times I swear my head is going to explode from reading all of the misinformation and false facts I have read the past week since the decision.

I get it, the name is probably going to be changed it should be up to the students and Alumni of the University of North Dakota. Not up to some newspaper in Bismarck, ND. In my opinion if you didn't attend UND, you're not part of the facualty and or staff or not currently attending the University of North Dakota you shouldn't have any input in the next nick name and logo for the University of North Dakota.

Give us your ideas for a new UND nickname
What is the perfect nickname for the University of North Dakota? Alumni,
fans and regular readers have been passionate about the nickname issue.
Now that the Fighting Sioux name is likely on its way out, it's your
turn to suggest a new nickname. Post your ideas below as a comment.
Our normal commenting guidelines apply - nothing offensive.

BallHype: hype it up!