Goon's World Extras

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Torts in hot water?

I have to agree with the television announcers, this fan has drank way to many beers. You would think at some point he would realize that and cut himself off. Ironically the coach of the Rangers who has been preaching discipline and the same coach that benched bad boy Sean "Sloppy Seconds" Avery for his lack of discipline may get some form of disciplinary action from the league office himself for throwing a water bottle at the beligerant fan behind the bench.
WASHINGTON -- John Tortorella faces disciplinary action from the NHL after throwing a water bottle from the Rangers' bench into the stands at 6:33 of the third period of last night's Game 5, 4-0 defeat to the Caps.

The head coach, who would not answer questions about the incident, could be suspended by commissioner Gary Bettman for tomorrow afternoon's Game 6 at the Garden. The Rangers' public relations representative threatened to end last night's postgame press conference if questions on the subject continued.

Tortorella, who may have thought he had been doused by a beer or spat upon during a television timeout, wheeled toward the stands and threw a bottle over the high glass protecting the bench.

With his suit jacket wet, Tortorella then grabbed a stick out of the hands of Aaron Voros and appeared ready to joust with a spectator before he assistant coach Jim Schoenfeld grabbed him.

Security guards and D.C. police arrived on the scene, and though they escorted a few fans away from their seats, no one was ejected. There does not appear to be video evidence of what provoked Tortorella.

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