Goon's World Extras

Thursday, April 02, 2009

This is why I like the shootout

I hear a lot of people railing against the shootout and how some people don't
want to see NCAA Division one hockey to adopt the shootout across the board
well it is goals/moves like this that make the shootout an exciting option for me.


  1. I doubt we'd ever see that.

    Here's why: That shoot was taken in a 'friendly' game and it is unlikely that Omark would have done it in a game that had any meaning.

  2. I meant 'shot' not 'shoot' above.

  3. Thanks for clarifying that Charlie. Keep up the good work. BTW, we all know what you meant. We know your type. LOL

  4. Skippy gets a participation ribbon for his comments. Obviously he hasn't watch a lot of NHL hockey because I have seen some sweet moves in the NHL shootouts.

  5. Hey ribbon guy, how about one for the appropriately 'clown'. HE typed a number of words and managed to say nadda.

  6. In all of the excitement of this rough and tumble give and take I mistyped again. I meant 'appropriately named' clown.

  7. I have to say I find the bulk of the NHL games in my area to be boring.
