Goon's World Extras

Sunday, April 05, 2009

More of the Avery and Thomas incident.

This what Tim Thomas had to say about Sean "Sloppy Seconds" Avery smacking Tim Thomas to the back of his head with his Hockey stick as Thomas was stretching during a TV timeout. What part of that is socially unacceptable does Avery not understand?
"You look up and see who it is," recalled Thomas, "and you're like, 'You've got to be kidding me.' So it was just reflex."
Thomas decided to answer this one for himself. "There are some lines that can't be crossed," said Thomas, who graciously gave Avery credit for his gritty, and usually fair, play around the net during the times when there weren't TV timeouts. "He has a hard time figuring out what the lines are."

This is what the Rangers coach John Tortorella had to say about Tim Thomas after took matter into his own hands. Just for the record John I can't believe you think Thomas deserved an extra penalty, the reason he was the aggressor was that he was just whacked a goalie in a vulnerable position in the back of the head by one of your head cases Sean Avery.
Tortorella took issue after the game with the fact that the referees didn't come down harder on Thomas for jumping Avery. During the game's final TV timeout, Thomas had taken a knee between the circles when Avery skated by and raked the back of his head with his stick. Thomas chased after him, pushed him from behind and touched off a melee that ended up with matching minors for Avery (unsportsmanlike conduct) and Thomas (roughing).

"There has to be an extra one given to Thomas," Tortorella said, calling him "the aggressor" on the play, even though Avery - who dodged reporters after the game - could just as easily have put the Rangers shorthanded when they couldn't afford it.


  1. I love how the little bitch covers his head when Thomas comes after him like he's a defenseless little kitten, and then Thomas gets jumped from behind too. What a bunch of baloney.

  2. I'm sure that's what the Rangers want him to do there Boosh. They probably told him that if he wants to participate as a member of the Rangers, there's no more bad penalties, fighting, or other nonsense that he had done before with them or with Dallas. That could be an interesting first round matchup if it happens in the east.

  3. I don't know it seems like Torts thought Thomas was in the wrong. I have never seen anything like this before. I heard one of the TV guys say that he has never seen a game won after the whistle.

  4. I'm glad Avery did it.. It builds drama folks! Plus, what is Thomas doing stretching above the hash marks!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I mean really if I was a player who's main job is to get inside the other teams head, you take the opportunity to do something like that. Knowing how slow he was going, and knowing it's not going to hurt the goalie, players do that stuff to ref's ALL the time in games. (Go to a few NHL games, and you'll see how players are talking or not paying attention and their sticks will carom or glance off other players, and refs..)

    I think Avery saw the opportunity, and took advantage. Thomas is a head case in net sometimes, a lot of players know that. Ask Mike Prpich, Rylan Kaip, Cary Eades, or even Hextall if they would've done the same thing?? My guess is they'd laugh, smile, and give ya the nod.

    The best part about it, was how Thomas used his blocker in a dagger motion to the other Ranger player! Priceless

    I'd say Sean Avery 1... Thomas 0 on that score card..

  5. You know what was really funny was Avery looked surprised. I do think the league needs a villian like him. Thomas is nuts and I don't know if I would be dancing in his crease or not.
