Goon's World Extras

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Herald practices gutter journalism.

Our friend the Whistler from has an interesting article on the city beats Tu-Uyen Tran and his shameful example of gutter journalism.
The Herald “reporter” says that the person who brought this up has an affidavit that this happened, but can’t find it right now. I realize that they are claiming that they are only reporting on the accusation, not the underlying baseless charge. But the fact is that this is a smear put on by the Editor and reporter of the Grand Forks Herald.

The Herald’s also been reporting unfounded accusations that the Ralph Engelstad Arena people have been flooding the reservation with money to pass this referendum. Of course the Herald’s reporter hasn’t been able to come up with any examples so once again he’s stuck reporting what the opponents say. It seems to me that the reporter could at least bother to find out how that money is supposedly being spent.

I guess trying to confirm a news story isn’t important when you’re on a moral crusade.

Not only is Ralph Engelstad the largest benefactor ever for a North Dakota college, his gift was one of the top gifts at the time of his death and is probably still in the top ten for the country.

I wish I was paying for a subscription to the Herald because if I was I’d be canceling it Monday morning.

Update: I’ve never done this before but I want to ask the Grand Forks Readers to send this story around. To do so you can click on the share button right under the title of the post. We need to show the Herald were outraged by the smear.
(Read the whole article right here)

Here is a hint to the second rate city beat writer Tu-Uyen Tran if you don't have a signed affidavit that someone claims they have it doesn't exist and until you have this alleged affidavit it in your hot little hand it doesn't exist and it's nothing more than tabloid conjecture. I would think ethically you shouldn't have wrote this story. This is nothing more than a dirty rumor or an urban legend that isn't going to be confirmed or never will be, but don't worry you got that story out.

Let's not let facts get into the way of a good story right. I would be willing to bet that you have no intentions of getting the signed affidavit that doesn't exist it either. Another point is your just trying to cloud the waters and muck up the story so eventually UND will be forced to change the name, but hey you had the story that got everyone riled up.

I also find it funny that that when the anti-name change crowd begins to lose the debate of ideas they resorts to dirty tricks and tactis the Herald city beat reporter plays right into their hands. If it wasn't for the coverage of the Sioux hockey beat writer I would cancel this rag and never pay another dime for this leftist rag. Mike Jacobs is a second rate editor at a back water newspaper and is by far one of the worst editors in the state of North Dakota that never lets facts get in the way of a good story. Maybe the people of Grand Forks should boycott the Grand Forks Herald?
The origins

It’s difficult to convey the impact of the alleged Engelstad quote containing the racial epithet, but the Herald is choosing not to repeat it because the newspaper cannot verify its origin.

Terry Morgan, another anti-nickname organizer, said Friday that opponents had a “signed affidavit” from a witness who allegedly heard the damning quote but that he’d have to find it.

The Herald could not reach him Saturday to see if he found the document.

Morgan said the witness was a white bartender who served two men in 1997. The men said terrible things about Indians in the course of a conversation about the Fighting Sioux nickname. The bartender thought one of the men was Ralph Engelstad and checked with his manager, who verified it was.

Morgan noted that the bartender said he was proud of the nickname until he heard those words.

Jody Hodgson, the general manager of Ralph Engelstad Arena and a representative of the foundation, questioned the timing of the allegation. This quote was spoken 12 years ago, he said, but it is just now emerging in the middle of a contentious political campaign.


  1. Thanks for posting this goon. This is a disgusting smear that the Herald is giving credence to.

  2. I wouldn't place too much credit on something without credible verification from any newspaper. Half of them have been known to make up stories just to get something in their daily editions.

  3. It's about putting out a story that can't be verified before a tribal election why couldn't this wait till after verification? Why smear a guy that has been dead for 7 years that can't defend himself. That is gutter journalism. The REA family should the herald and the person that put this rumor out there as demation of character.

    There is no reason to print this story other than to embolden the anti-nick name crowd and this is what exactly what happened. The fact that the anti-name crowd is losing the idea they start throwing claims out there that can't be verified that is another story in itself.

    Here is the deal the NCAA and the Anti-name crowd has been wrong since day one. They use ever dirty trick in the book to move their cause ahead. Facts don't seem to be important.

  4. I mean the REA family should sue the person that put this rumor out there as demation of character.

  5. A dead person can't sue for defamation of character because they have nothing to lose.

    I'll bet when it comes down to it nobody ever takes responsibility for printing off the flyers.

    Despicable smear which is greatly magnified by the Grand Forks Herald.

  6. I was thinking more like the REA family, Ralph wife or daughter.

  7. For many years I've taken the part of the "Fighting Sioux" but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's worth the hassle. If the natives themselves are unwilling to stand up to the PC Police, then what's the use? Why should the greatest hockey program in the country continue to put a French word on the front of their sweaters if those referred to by that word hate it? Change it to Roughriders or Broncos or Snowgeese or Cannonballs and forget that the native population even exits.
