Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Burish, "I hope to have a beer with him after the season."

I suppose if Burish breaks anymore sticks over his buddies upper body their friendship might be in jeopardy. LOL. This next game is going to get rough and this is what makes the playoffs exciting and fun to watch. I also want to know why Burish doesn't get suspended but Lucic does? Seems to be a little inconsistency here. To break a stick Burish had to hit him pretty damn hard.
The status of Bourque, whose name just kept popping up Tuesday, may be gamesmanship on the part of Keenan, who said the winger from Lac La Biche, Alta., was "day to day to day as a result of the incident last night."

The Flames head coach insisted Monday that Burish injured Bourque with a "blatant" cross-check to the face, although replays showed the stick broke over Bourque's chest and shoulder. Bourque was not made available to the media Tuesday to clarify his status.

"I don't think I crossed the line," Burish said. "I did what needed to be done. It's playoff hockey. It's the same reason they're hitting our guys and they come at me and the same reason I'm going at them.

"Mike Keenan called it a cross-check to the head. It wasn't too close to the head. I think he was wrong."

Burish and Bourque were Blackhawks teammates last year before Bourque's trade to Calgary. They also played together at Wisconsin.

"I'm still going to hopefully have a beer with him after the season is done, but he's not my friend on the ice," Burish said.
(Read the whole article here)


  1. You get so bitter when your wittle Bruins or Sioux get picked on Goon, its so cute :D
    Yes, it was a pretty stiff cross-check that definitely deserved a penalty, but there's a difference between going for a guy's padded shoulder and going for a guy's face. If Lucic would have broken his stick over the shoulder, I seriously doubt there would be any fuss over the mess, but since he decided to try his hand at a nose job, there were consequences.

    And Mike Keenan is a pile of shit, and always has been. What a weeny, taking a clear video and trying to leech a suspension out of the NHL 'just because' it happened for something that actually deserved it. If Burish would have gotten the face, then yes, whine about it, but to complain about something that is clear as day and call it something it isn't is pathetic. Another reason why I despise the Cal-gary Flames

  2. Ah Boosh, I was just throwing it out there, Chicago isn't my team adn I think Burish is a good straight up hockey player and thought it was a good move by the coach to have Adam out there at the end of the game to send a message. Of course Colin Cambell doesn't like message sending though.

    I actually think your right Keenan is a piece of work.
