Goon's World Extras

Saturday, March 07, 2009

The Wheels are still coming off Part II.

I have been surfing some of the sites around the internet getting a feel for how things are going around the college hockey blogsphere and the Gopher fans are in full melt down. You have Gopher fans calling for Don Lucia's head. I can't imagine the University of Minnesota Firing a coach that has won 2 NCAA titles. I just doesn't seem possible.

Check out these examples of lynch mob type mentality. I mean I get it the Gopher fans are unhappy with the state of their team. (Example 1) (Example 2) (Example 3)

This post right here caught my eye it was over on Star Tribune.
Out with Lucia now!!!
Dear UofM AD....Your mens Hockey coach wins two titles with Woog's teams, can recruit any player in the country and we have this season? then finish it by loosing to a absolutely pathetic 1-18 Mich Tech team who score 6 on us?? His teams don't come close to ND's season for season and they don't have 20% the recruiting ability he's given?? Not to mention the all time worst upset in NCAA history to Holly Angels just a few years back?? This is coaching 100%, were not going anywhere with this "goody two shoes" clown....we need a tough, gritty authority figure who recruits the right players and gets them to show up and play like they can. We got no chance with him at the helm, zero...I wouldn't want him coaching my daughters teams...ok that was a lie, he'd be fine with girls. I've been sooo patient with this but now it's over...Imgane what Gwozdecky (Denver) or Hakstol (UND) could do with Gophs recruiting power? They already run circles around Goph's hockey teams operating from the north pole? If the AD fires the FB coach after a bad 1/2 at a bowl game whens he goanna show nuts it takes to do it again at the hockey rink? This is 100x's worse....incredibly pathetic, I feel bad for the players to be honest, and they're certainly accountable but c'mon...look at the teams and talent we have had....allstar teams year in year out and he cant do anything with em????? Please move on with more Lucia.....Move on from the Grand Rapids alumni mafia and get with the times, not the 70's and 80's.

posted by azlizard99 on Mar. 6, 09 at 10:57 PM |


  1. Hey Goon- i was reading the same thread on the Strib. This is the comment that comes up every time from ignorant gopher fans influenced by the Twin Cities media darlings the Rug and Woog.

    At least @ U of M their are a few "locals" that make the team. UND has a roster of canucks that are 21-22-23-24 that are not good enough to play in the NHL so the WCHA is the best they can do. Oh ya, teams like U of N that have mostly 18,1920 year olds. And EVERY time Minn gets a few goals ahead und starts going all MMA in the (hockey) games. What a bunch of effing losers!!! EFF U und!!!!

    Where does this guy get his info? From a 1980 media guide? Loser Loser Loser!!!

    Great accomplishment for the Sioux, finally winning a league title under coach Hakstol. This team is "special" for many reasons that are different from years past. Whether that will translate to a NCAA Chip remains to be seen but imo, this has already been a successful season. Keep it going!!


  2. Hey Arcie I see the same thing all the time written by Gopher fans. Sid Hartman is still feeding him info I guess.

  3. Here is something I just noticed, the Gophers have now given up back to back Hat Tricks. Last Saturday to UMD's MacGregor Sharp and last night to MTU's Drew Dobson. When was the last time ANY team gave up back-to-back Hat Tricks???
