Goon's World Extras

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Oshie finishes his checks. Oshie and Nash II...

Props to Sean Leahy of puck daddy and Tim Oshie for sending me the two video clips of T.J. Oshie's monster hits on Blue Jackets star Rick Nash this past weekend. I was watching the game in question this afternoon and the Columbus announcers were really getting under my skin. Seriously, I don't see an elbow anywhere in that hit. The FSN Ohio homers are almost as bad as the guys from the Ducks. That is called finishing a check. I hate to admit it but after watching the blue a few times this season I have to concede that they are a team on the rise. I like watching teams that former Sioux hockey players play on but I can not under any circumstances cheer for New Jersey, Chicago but I could cheer for Saint Louis.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No elbowing penalty called, so obviously no elbowing occurred.

  3. I can't wait to see these two drop the gloves.

  4. That's nonsense, there is an obvious elbow in that play by Oshie. However, since he was not the one throwing the hit, and Nash was, that's why I think it wasn't called. Nash is not that kind of player, he is going to hurt himself if he keeps trying to hit players like that.

  5. So Goon, I was watching the daytime soaps today, and this was the newest episode. I think you should make a post about it, because it is the most hilarious thing I've seen in hockey all year

  6. Boosh I will put it up giving you full credit of course that was beautiful. :) Notice former Badger Adam Burrish was in the middle of that as well?
