Goon's World Extras

Thursday, March 12, 2009

More on fighting in the NHL.

Yesterday Hab's tough guy Georges Laraque made some waves when he said that proposing a 10 minute misconduct for fights after the face off:
was the stupidest thing ever!" Laraque told TSN. "I think it's a joke. They might as well take fighting out of the NHL...fighting won't be safer; it will be eliminated because an added 10 minute misconduct is too much."

I am going to say that I have to agree with Big Georges Laraque, this is a joke. If you take the fighting out of hockey you're actually going to make the game more dirty because the players will have no fear of retribution if they carry out an egregious act of violence against their fellow opposition players. You're going to have agitators/hacks like Matt Cooke and Jarkko Ruutu running up and down the ice taking runs at team's skilled players without fear of retribution. Which could actually lead to checking from behinds and spearing penalties.

Why can't the NHL GM's just leave well enough alone? Now Gary Betteman would like to sit down with Laraque and discuss the fighting issues. I can only imagine what that conversation would sound like.

Face it Betteman a majority of fans like fighting in hockey, you don't see fans booing a hockey fight, or leaving their seats. Also, the players are on record as wantinig to keep fighting to police the game. Also, ever notice how after a fight the players on both benchs slap their sticks on the side of the bench showing their approval. Lets worry about head shots and worry less about fighting. Heck, if I was a tough guy I would be upset too, because they are talking about their jobs and their lively hoods.
NAPLES, Fla. - Gary Bettman would be happy to sit down with Georges Laraque and talk about fighting.

The NHL commissioner thinks he might be able to convince the Montreal Canadiens tough guy that rule changes proposed by general managers this week aren't actually so bad for enforcers. Laraque was quick to criticize the recommendation by GMs that the instigator rule be more stringently applied next season and that a 10-minute misconduct penalty be given out to players who drop the gloves right after a faceoff.

Bettman was careful when asked to respond to the comments.

"I'd like to talk to George about it 1-on-1," he said Wednesday. "I think with an in-depth discussion, these rules aren't so far off the mark from things that he would be comfortable with."

After 16 years as commissioner, debates about fighting are nothing new for Bettman.

Laraque's biggest concern is that the proposed changes might end up eliminating the role he has filled for more than 600 NHL games over the last decade.

"The GMs need to find ways to make fighting safer instead of taking fighting out of the game," Laraque said Tuesday in Montreal. "With the instigator rule, you have more cheap shots in the game than ever. Having a 10-minute misconduct won't stop that. They should look at helmets or whatever to make it safer, not more penalties."


  1. I'm not for eliminating fighting in the NHL, but I do question whether it would have the deep negative impact that a lot of people are touting.

    After all, fighting is technically not allowed in college hockey and there doesn't seem to be an increased incident of cheap shots on star players at the college level versus the NHL.

    Is this an inaccurate observation on my part? If not, is there any reason to believe that the NHL would experience different results than college hockey has if the NHL adopted the same rules on fighting that are already in place in college hockey?


  2. Krangodance,there is a lot of extra stuff that you see in college hockey that I believe wouldn't be there if college hockey got rid of its DQ for fighting rules. Trevor Bruess would never pull his bush league kneeing tactics if he had to fight. I don't think Bruess would be gettin suspended for a 2 times, because after the first time he stuck his knee out genoway he would had to fight one of the Sioxu players and he might think twice about doing it.
