Goon's World Extras

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kind of what we thought the Sioux were banged up.

Brad Elliott Schlossman confirmed what Scotty D and I talked about a recent game Vandy had a shoulder injury you could see it on the ice if you watched him close enough. Some of the other guys injuries were new.
•Usually after the season is over we start to hear about injuries that guys were playing with. Coach Dave Hakstol didn't want to say anything about them, saying that every team plays with injuries and it's part of the game. But I was able to get a few things from others: Chris VandeVelde has been playing with a separated shoulder for three weeks. Joe Finley has been playing with a separated shoulder for even longer. Brett Hextall has been playing with a broken foot for over a month. Evan Trupp has an injury other than his shoulder. And there could be more. I don't think there will be any questioning of this team's "heart."

EDIT: NO where in this article is it written that I have blamed yesterday's loss on injuries. Hockey is a team game and all must being doing their assignments if they are to be successful.


  1. Finley has a separated shoulder, no excuse for slow feet in every game he plays or just not being able to read plays. (See yesterdays odd man rush in OT or last years Gerbe dance shorthanded) Zach Jones is infinitely better on defense than Finley because he is responsible in his own end first. I won't question Finley's heart, plenty else to question though.

  2. Sometimes it's more about the team "that wants it more." It was evident at the Final Five when Duluth took down MN, UND, and DU on 3 strait nights and it was evident this weekend too with all the upsets and spectacular comebacks. Injuries are no excuse because every team suffers them. Finley is not ready for the NHL. His body is, but his game is not.

  3. Just a thought, but can you explain why if any other team is playing with injured/hurt players it's wining. But when it's your team it's a "REAL" issue. Better consider that when you trash Wis/Den/MN. The Pioneers were badly hobbled too.
    The east has our number once again. I love the WCHA but they need to do better in the NCAA's.

  4. I don't remember the last time I trashed Denver or Wisconsin? I could care less about Minnesota. Everyone know DU was banged up as well.

    Also did you mean Whining or winning? As far as I know no one is whining or making excuses about injuries as the reason their team isn't winning, this post was simply a clarification of what some of us thought, the other injuries were new.

    Also, Hockey is a team game if a goalie gives up a goal is because of the team infront of him not doing everything it was supposed to stop that goal. So it not all Finley's fault. Actually Chay deserves some of the blame because some of the odd man rushes were a result of his pinching and the defense getting caught up ice.

  5. Sioux FLIRT with greatness AGAIN!

    This might not be the right blog for a math question, so please direct me elsewhere if you know of a good math blog. Here's a probability/odds teaser that I would love to have a real math whiz figure out:

    What are the odds that an ncaa hockey team's senior class would lose their final play-off game each year during the last not two, not three, but four years by giving up a whopping 6 goals each time? Its tough to fathom. Help me out here people; I'm just not that good with math! :)

    ...On the upside, maybe it is good that the 8 seniors are leaving. They certainly didn't have very good luck. (I mean 8 isn't 1/2 of a team or anything. Heck, its only a quarter of a team.)

    No big deal, right Goonizzle? Can you say 'rebuild'? See you in 2012-13 maybe....

  6. Skippy, Skippy, Skippy, notice how you didn't post for like a week and a half and only came out of your gopher whole after the Sioux lose, however, even with those three third place finishes and one second we still finished higher than your beloved Goofs the last 5 season. Sucks doesn't it. Run along son.

  7. My parents took me on spring break and we didn't have a computer... :(

  8. Wise and sagey Goonster:

    Yeah, you have a point about the Flirting Sioux finishing above the Golden Gophers.

    I didn't realize that that is the sort of thing that floats your boat. I envisioned you as somebody who was interested in winning it all. C'est la vie. Live and learn.

    Hmmm.... I wonder why it doesn't bother me more...

    Oh yea, now I remember; the Golden Gophers have won back to back NCAA championships already this decade!

    But a 'hat tip' to you for pointing out just how solid the Flirting Sioux have been during the regular season lately! Many thanks!
