Wednesday, March 04, 2009

INCH 4 X 4

The latest INCH 4 X 4 is up. Interesting! From looking at these bracket predictions it would appear that Denver University would have the easiest chance of any WCHA team to make the Frozen Four. I am not so sure I would be that giddy at another change for the Fighting Sioux to play Michigan even if it's in Minneapolis.

1. Michigan
2. North Dakota
3. Princeton
4. UMD

GRAND RAPIDS Midwest Regional
1. Notre Dame
2. Vermont
3. Miami
4. Air Force Academy

BRIDGEPORT East Regional
1. Northeastern
2. Denver
3. Yale
4. St. Lawrence

MANCHESTER Northeast Regional
1. Boston University
2. New Hampshire
3. Cornell
4. Bemidji State University


  1. I'm certainly not excited about playing Michigan...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. keholm has left a new comment on your post "INCH 4 X 4":

    you have to get past princenton first

    This post was deleted so I thought I would include it. I don't think UND would be all that worried about Princeton.
