Goon's World Extras

Monday, March 02, 2009

The Hockey Show.

Listen to the latest episode of hockey show. I would have gotten this up earlier but I have been busy this past weekend watching high school and college hockey.

(Click here) to listen to the Hockey Show. If you have an iPod you can listen to the hockey show here->(click here) Listen to Channing Boe's account of the Brian Schack attack/incident; that is at about 41:55 minutes in. Interesting! Brian Schack was actually hitting Boe while his leg had already been broken. That is a class act.


  1. Oh Great Goony One

    Do you actually think that Shack had a clue the leg was broken?

    Do actually think that the little angels in green and black play a cleaner style of hockey than the rest of the conference?

    ...Awaiting your fair and unbiased reply.

  2. Actually it is Schack the Hack and yes the Sioux haven't have nearly as many checking from behind penalties as the Gophers.

  3. Mr. Goon Sir
    With all due respect, a quick glance at Flirting Sioux penalty totals during the Dave 'Mr. Control' Hakstol reign shows that (gasp!) the little green and black angels have actually racked up a good deal more time in the box than the Gophers. ...We're shocked, (shocked I tell you!) over on this side of the Red River. Did I mention that we're just shocked as all heck to discover this surprising fact.
