Goon's World Extras

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ducan's goal that wasn't.

Last night I thought that Vandy had tipped this goal. Even the FSSN Sioux play by play guy Pat Sweeny said that Vandy got the goal on the tip. None the less it was a nice play and a money assist by Ryan Duncan.


  1. Definately was tipped by VV. I'm sure we owed Duncan a goal for the past four years of service...natural hat trick!

  2. you can hear it in the video that it was clearly tipped. It's sad though, I still say he had the natural. I mean, hats came down on the ice, that means it happened, right? ;-) I'll see you in St. Paul, right Goonman?

  3. Three points 2-1-3 is still good and a great way to end your career at REA but I have to commend Ducan for great series against he Huskies.

  4. I will be there, it sounds like a really fun time, I am leaning towards McGoverns on Thursday night, but we will see, if it is packed I am open to anything else.
