Goon's World Extras

Monday, March 02, 2009

Don Cherry on Ovechkin.

I found this story over on Puck Daddy and while Cherry's comments might be xenophobic - intense dislike and/or fear of people from other countries, Don Cherry has been on record as not being a big fan of European hockey players. Ovechkin is a Russian, I don't believe Don Cherry's comments are necessarily racist, per se.

Don Cherry is right, I do think if Ovechkin keeps up with his antics of over celebrating after a goal, eventually there will come a day when someone is lurking in the weeds to light Alex up.
For Canadian fans, he's an institution whose xenophobic Archie Bunker-lite persona is balanced with a genuine championing of hockey's grand traditions. With that in mind, I'm not stunned that we received over a dozen emails about Cherry's comments over the weekend. It's like Rush Limbaugh and the conservative movement: Just when you think the guy is on the margins, suddenly he's the torchbearer again.

The torch Cherry grabbed this weekend was that of Sidney Crosby and other players who are critical -- publicly or privately -- of Ovechkin's enthusiastic displays after goals or victories.

While the hell Cherry's catching for his views is warranted, here's the thing: Once you get past the cultural bias and subtle racism in the presentation of his argument, there's actually some validity to what Cherry actually said on "Hockey Night In Canada" about the biggest star in the NHL.


  1. People take Don Cherry far too seriously. I realize that in this world today, a group like the CBC really has to watch itself with guys like Don because of all the lifeless morons out there with nothing more to do that claim that one man speaks for the entire organization, but his purpose it to stir the pot and give people something to talk about. He's an old man from a different time, and I think its funny to see how ridiculous his antics can get. And, honestly, how many people expect a guy who wears coats like his to be entirely sane/levelheaded.

    That said, I would much rather watch Alex Ovechkin cavort around like a stupid fool than watch Cindy Crosby injure himself trying to get a call for a half-ass attempt at a dive and then whine about it all the way home.

  2. Boosh I love Don Cherry I think he is entertaining, I don't know how you can call his statement's racist either. I like Ovechkin a lot more than I do Cindy Crosby as well. I think he is a bit of a cry baby but he is a great player.

  3. I totally agree with Boosh in the second paragraph. When it comes to comparing Cindy Crosby to Alex the Great, there is no comparison...period. I do not get to watch Don Cherry much, but from what I've seen he does come from a different hockey era and dresses like he's from it too.

  4. I know this is a day late but correct me if I'm wrong, the viewers of hockey night in canada are nearly all canadians. How on earth can you call what Don Cherry said racist? He simply said, Canadians (the viewers) don't showboat, have class when you score like yzerman and others. He wasn't refering to Russians being showboaty, but WAS refering to soccer player goals. He wasn't attacking russians or any other specific nationality, he was talking to canadians saying that you shouldnt act that way after a goal, simply put.

  5. Cherry is comparing Ovechkin to a Euro soccer player with his excessive celebrations.

  6. I think the fact that he's a professional hockey player and not a full-time lawn fairy makes up for any celebrating ;)
