Monday, March 23, 2009

A couple of things from INCH

Here are a couple of things that caught my eye that was written by Jess Meyers of INCH. First off, all I can say is come on Jess. There were a few of us that took exception respectfully with what you have written about our favorite team.

I don't think anyone has been overly rude on this blog towards your predictions. Second what do people expect Finley to do in that situation, he just clobbered Jordy Murray with a awesome, clean legal hit and Blake Geoffrion wants to challenge Finley to a fight. If I was Finley in that situation, I wouldn't let someone attack me after I hit one their teammates with a legal check. I suppose it's North Dakota's fault. Right? Lucky for Geoffrion the refs rescued him before he got himself hurt. LOL...
+ We’ve ribbed them, and a few of them have ripped INCH repeatedly, but here’s a deserving shout-out to Fighting Sioux fans for traveling in such numbers and making so much noise this weekend. Love them or loathe them, their passion makes the tournament’s atmosphere more fun.

Applause for a nice fashion trend we’ve seen at the rinks recently - pink hockey sweaters (we saw sharp-looking North Dakota and Minnesota Duluth versions on Saturday) designed for female fans. A portion of the proceeds from their sale goes to fight breast cancer. As the Sandelin family can attest, that’s a very worthy cause.

While there were plenty of empty seats on the upper level, Xcel Energy Center officials tell us they were within a few hundred tickets of an official sellout on Saturday. Nice work, ticket-buyers in snapping up more than 82,000 seats over the weekend, and so much for those fears that no Gophers equals no crowd.
- North Dakota’s power play was 0-for-9 on Saturday and 0-for-14 on the weekend. “We’ve been streaky on the power play all season, and this was a bad streak for us,” Hakstol said.

After a hard check late in the third-place game, North Dakota defenseman Joe Finley looked very much like a man who wanted to fight Wisconsin’s Blake Geoffrion. We’re all for defending your turf and whatnot, but getting tossed and possibly disqualified for your team’s NCAA opener is a low-percentage play.


  1. I agree with Meyer's on the Finley-Geoffrion incident, to a point. It's not like Big Joe went Black Out Jones on Geoffrion, but he should have absolutely walked away. Too much at stake...different story if a Fienhage was involved, but if your Finley, you tell Geoffrion to quit being such a bitch, and then skate to the bench.

  2. I stopped caring about Jess Meyers' opinion (good or bad) a long time ago. Geoffrion went after Finley, and Finley stood his ground and fended him off. That's it. Period. I could see that and I was at home watching the game on t.v. Meyers was no doubt at the game and he still found a wasy to slant the story.
