Goon's World Extras

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Which one of these coaches is not like the other?

Lets compare and contrast the two coaches. Here is Denver University coach George Gwozdecky response after one of his player viciously slashed UMD Bulldog Mike Connelly. I think I have a lot more respect for this coach.
GG: If you look at the WCHA and the philosophy on that, most of the time, the WCHA will look to the schools to make the decision first. If they agree with the school, it goes along. If they don't, they'll add or change (the suspension).

It was a pretty hard swing with the stick. The action and the intent are two things you have to look at. If you look at what Patrick did immediately after contact was made -- if he was looking at injuring (UMD's Mike Connelly) he would've stood there or went after him. But immediately he sprinted down the ice, knowing only a second or two was left in the game. ... No question his intent, as he said, was to deny Connelly from getting the puck. He went about it the wrong way, but the one thing that was probably in my mind, (the intent was) not worth any further suspension.

CHN: Is it a good idea for the league to leave it up to teams to impose their own discipline?

Here is Don Lucia's response after Brian Schack's Todd Bertuzzi style attack on Channing Boe. Does Lucia suspend Brian "the Hack" Schack? Nope!
“That’s not the way we like to play,” Lucia said, “but in some of our kids’ defense, Brian Schack included — and I’ve said it, at some point, we got to protect our own players, too. Brian did that and that’s to his credit.

“Now I am going to sit down with Brian about what happened on Friday night because I did think he did cross the line a little bit on Friday night. I am going to talk to him about that and show him the video of the play because you don’t want to be in a situation where somebody is vulnerable and they can get hurt.


  1. I am a Golden Gopher fan and I LOVE the fact that all of the wcha bloggers make such a big deal about everything the Gophers do! Other than the fact that you come off as having a chip on your shoulder (and have a heavy anti-Gopher bias), it is very entertaining. Keep it up!

    P.S. It is a treat to watch the younger predominantly Minnesotan team compete against the older skaters from Canada and elsewhere!

  2. Of course I have an anti-Gopher bias, I hate every thing about their stupid program. I am rabid Sioux fan.

    UND is the same age as UMN. So there goes the 25 year old Canadian argument.

  3. Charlie said "It is a treat to watch the younger predominantly Minnesotan team compete against the older skaters from Canada and elsewhere!"

    How can you call getting swept by UND, Mankato, and Wisco in 3 out of the last 4 weekends "competing".

  4. You hear it all the time from the Minnesota contingency on these boards: “Our players are just so young”. Are other teams playing outside the rules, or do the Gophers just want the rules changed? I believe it’s the latter. It sounds as if they want everyone to come straight out of high school to play the college game (even though the current Gopher roster only has 3 or 4 players which have done that…all others being from the USHL or the development programs).

    Of course they want the rules slanted in their favor. It’s pretty much a given the Minnesota high school system produces the best high school players in the country, in terms of quantity, (although the school-boy program in Massachusetts would probably have a valid argument regarding this). And, as we all know, the Gophers get the pick-of-the-litter when it comes to Minnesota high school talent. So the answer is simple for Gopher fans. “Give us the best players and everyone else can have the rest”.

    Well, it’s not going to happen Charlie. And I concur with you…”It is a treat to watch the younger predominantly Minnesotan team compete against the older skaters from Canada and elsewhere!” And let me add it’s also been a treat to watch the Gophers in January.

    My advice: Wise-up and size-up, so you can man-up. Your argument, as well as the rest of the cry-babies of Gopher nation, is specious at best. You people are boring.

  5. Goon, I have not read your blog very often and am sort of new to this. What is it about the Gopher program that makes it stupid in your eyes? Also, I am not certain what you mean by UND is the same as UMD. Thanks!

  6. Brian, I thoroughly enjoy watching the Minnesota players. I think it is awesome that they are predominantly Minnesota kids!

  7. Skippy I mean Charlie what are you 12? Did you read may article, I don't like the fact that the Minnesota coach didn't suspend Brian the Hack Schack.

    I am fighting Sioux fans I have to degrees from the Univesity of North Dakota, where is it written that I have to like the Goofs? I respect fans like FHG and Brian who are also gophers fans. Now run along son.

  8. CS Sioux Fan NY: If you read my comment you will see that I made no argument whatsoever. Thus there is nothing 'specious' about it! I am just pointing out how the Gophers seem to attract so much negative attention from the bloggers and commenters. I find it entertaining.

    I am very happy with the rules as they are and never said a thing about changing the rules either.

    Are yo sure you read the comment? :)

  9. Goon: The following leads me to believe that you do not have a degree in English! LOL

    "...I have to degrees from the Univesity of North Dakota"

    'to' degrees? ...I hope English is your second language!

  10. Skippy I mean Charlie what is your point? Fine I have two (s) degrees from UND. I am tryig to write a response and watch the rebroadcast of the game.

  11. Then ignore me and get back to the all important rebroadcast.

    ...By the way, the 'Skippy' bit is really good! It felt like a jab in the solar plexus when I read it. Ouch! ...I'm going to have to remember to use that one when I feel genuinely bitter! :)

  12. I guess I am missing your point or if you have one.

  13. A key to great journalism is to be informative and entertaining.

    While on a certain level you are definitely entertaining, your lack of respect for anything to do with the Gophers makes it difficult for a reasonable person to consider your blog factually informative!

  14. Come on kid! Are you 12? I have never made a claim to being a journalist. Journalists are paid for their work. Most of them are being laid off by their newspapers. I don't know why you think I owe you an explanation.

    It is what it is. I am hockey blogger for the Fighting Sioux hockey team, I also blog on the Bruins and the Minnesota Wild.

    I have "NO" obligation to the Minnesota Gophers Hockey team, until you understand that I can't help you. I called Don Lucia's integrity into question. Get over it.

    If you want a Gopher Hockey love fest go over to Gopher Puck Live. I am sure you will find enough people to have you gopher love party with.

  15. I immediately picked up on the fact that you aren't a journalist. (A lot of your writing makes that quite clear.) I am not sure how you read into my comment that I thought YOU were a journalist. I was merely pointing out that good writing has certain characteristics.

    I did not say you owe me an explanation. Nor do I feel you have an obligation to the Gophers. That is absurd. Even us 12 year olds recognize that!

    Nor have I ever asked you for help.

    Putting words in my mouth is certainly entertaining to me (its probably a bit of a snoozer for everybody else), but it is not informative!
