Goon's World Extras

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sioux 4 Purple Cows 3

First off I hope that Derrick LaPoint has a speedy recovery. From the video and the picture that I saw of the injury it does not look good for LaPoint. Derrick LaPoint has made some great strides in his development this season and has played pretty well after having a little bit of a tough start. The Fighting Sioux hockey team will miss LaPoint on the blue line.

This was a hard fought game between two teams that really don't like each other all that much. While I do like watching the Sioux and Mavericks play I don't like some of the antics that I saw this weekend. Trevor Buress needs to learn some respect for his fellow competitors, IF this kid ever makes it to the next level he is going to get it handed to him if he doesn't learn to play a little cleaner game.

I have no problem with players that play hard and get into an occasional fight but if you watch the NHL you don't see too many the NHL goon's doing the bush league moves Buress does on a nightly basis because eventually someone come calling and you have to pay the piper. What I say from Buress on Friday night was disgusting, that bush league leg check on Chay Genoway could have ended Chay's season. To Chay's credit he was able to get out of the way Buress in the nick of time and didn't absorb much of a dirty leg on leg check. I don't think I have seen Derick Boogaard or Milan Lucic try to leg check an oppostion player intentionally.

While I think UND was the better team this weekend I am not so sure I want the Sioux to see the Mavericks again this season. Hopefully the Mavericks move up so the Sioux don't have to play them until maybe St Paul.

The Mavericks are pretty fast and have a good amount of talent through the forward lines. Defensively, I think the Mavericks are a little small and they get caught up ice quite a bit but Mike Zacharias is an awesome goaltender and saved their bacon a lot this weekend. If it wasn't for Zacharias the score might have been more lopsided in UND's favor both nights.

Finally it was fun to talk to a few of the people from Mankato this weekend, they traveled pretty well. It was fun to meet Dan Myers and his girl friend and also talk to Heather and Amy as well. Amy wanted me to wear a purple cow jersey to the game tonight but I don't think I could ever wear any thing that is purple in color let alone a purple hockey jersey. I just don't know if purple is my color. Last time I owned anything with purple the Viking's quarter back took a knee and a field goal kicker missed an easy field goal, yeah so much for the 15-1 season. I actually threw my Viking's hat out after that day.

I would like to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day.

Box Score
1st Period (20:00)

MNS-1 James Gaulrapp (2-Holding) NDK 0x1 3:34
NDK-1 Brad Malone (2-Hooking) MNS 1x1 10:31
NDK-2 Joe Finley (2-Cross-Checking) MNS 1x2 11:46
MNS 1 - 0 6x4 PP Geoff Irwin (10) (Kael Mouillierat, Kurt Davis) 11:57
MNS: 19,9,22,23,21,G1 NDK: 20,11,5,G31
MNS-2 Rylan Galiardi (2-Holding) NDK 0x2 13:00
MNS-3 BENCH (2-TOO MANY PLAYERS ON ICE) (Served by Justin Jokinen) NDK 0x3 15:14
MNS-4 Jason Wiley (2-High-Sticking) NDK 0x4 17:32
NDK 1 - 1 6x6 Matt Watkins (5) (Andrew Kozek, Darcy Zajac) 19:57
NDK (+): 20,10,11,2,25,G31 MNS (-): 5,12,17,18,20,G1

2nd Period (20:00)

MNS-5 Rylan Galiardi (2-Holding) NDK 1x5 1:02
NDK 2 - 1 6x5 PP Ryan Duncan (13) (Chris VandeVelde, Ryan Martens) 1:53
NDK: 16,29,8,14,25,G31 MNS: 19,5,15,17,G1
MNS-6 Cameron Cooper (2-Roughing) NDK 1x6 2:05
NDK-3 Jason Gregoire (2-Interference) MNS 1x3 3:07
MNS-7 Andrew Sackrison (2-Tripping) NDK 1x7 9:58
MNS-8 Rylan Galiardi (2-High-Sticking) NDK 1x8 15:40

3rd Period (20:00)

MNS 2 - 2 6x6 Geoff Irwin (11) (Kael Mouillierat) 0:53
MNS (+): 19,9,17,23,3,G1 NDK (-): 14,20,2,8,11,G31
NDK-4 Chay Genoway (2-Interference) MNS 1x4 1:34
MNS-9 Blake Friesen (2-Hooking) NDK 1x9 8:52
MNS 3 - 2 5x6 SH Trevor Bruess (11) (Kael Mouillierat, Ben Youds) 10:47
MNS (+): 23,9,5,3,G1 NDK (-): 2,17,21,19,5,G31
MNS-10 Brian Kilburg (2-Interference) NDK 2x10 12:58
NDK 3 - 3 6x5 PP Chris VandeVelde (10) (Ryan Martens, Ryan Duncan) 13:40
NDK: 14,8,16,29,25,G31 MNS: 10,18,5,17,G1
MNS-11 Mike Louwerse (2-Roughing) 15:46
NDK-5 Evan Trupp (2-Roughing) 15:46
NDK 4 - 3 5x5 GW LL Jason Gregoire (11) (Chay Genoway, Jake Marto) 17:08
NDK (+): 17,5,25,16,G31 MNS (-): 19,4,20,22,G1
Timeout - Minnesota State 19:56
MNS-12 Geoff Irwin (2-Roughing) 20:00
MNS-13 Geoff Irwin (5-Slashing) 20:00
NDK-6 Darcy Zajac (2-Roughing) 20:00

End of Game

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