Goon's World Extras

Monday, February 02, 2009

More on the Schack hit.

Check out what Bruce Ciskie from the Fan House had to say on the Brian Schack incident. I have to say that I agree with this assessment. A six to eight game suspension would be about right in this incident. Todd Bertuzzi missed the rest of the 2004 season and the playoffs for his gutless act. However, I doubt the league will have the balls to make this kind of a decsion.

Schack received a fighting major and game disqualification, meaning
he won't play when the two teams meet at Mariucci Arena in Minneapolis tonight.
What happens to him beyond that will be up to Lucia and/or McLeod, and we should
know that sometime next week.I'm not as upset about this as I was the attack on
Steve Kampfer last week.

Schack didn't attack Boe from behind, and Boe knew he had it coming after throwing an illegal hit on a smaller Minnesota player. However, Schack has to be in for at least a six to eight game suspension.

As I said last week, I am reluctant to blame these kinds of attacks on the lack of fighting in college hockey. I don't think allowing players to drop the gloves without risking a game disqualification would necessarily solve much of anything. Players have to figure out, though, that violent, uncontrolled rage is not justified by any kind of hit, whether it be a legal or illegal hit.

Check out Shane Frederick's take on the incident.

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