Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How to spot a photo shop.

Our friend Amy over at Lets Go Mav's has been having a hell of a time today at Sioux7's and my expense. LOL... I guess I better be careful what I do this winter at the Final Five.

Here is another example of the latest episode on how to spot a photo shop. Obviously it is not me.

I wonder what the odds are that Amy gets into a sparring match with a Sioux fan(s) this weekend? Remember according to the last few coaches to come to REA, the place is a mad house.


  1. Hey man, that's NOT photoshopped! Own up to your activites!! :)

    Who else are you going to be hot tubbing with this week? Hmmm....

    I'm going to do my best to not engage with the Sioux fans this weekend. We'll see how that goes though!!

    I can't believe Sioux7 hasn't commented yet on your picture in the hot tub. It was rude of him to be staring at your boobs when I took the picture! :)

  2. OMG...nice lable too "really, it's not me". Priceless. I should make a lable like that for my blog!! I could put it on many things:)

  3. Unless he has beers in him:)

    Has he seen the picture yet?

    Are you guys coming out for adult beverages on Friday night or what?

    I bet you guys are beyond excited to have me and Heather crash your city! Just 2 more days!! The damn weather better cooperate for driving!

  4. Looks genuine to me. Is that an ABBA CD cover in the back?
