Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Gee I wonder who Lucia is talking about?

It would appear that Gophers hack Brian Schack has gotten away with his act of thuggery and will only receive the one game disqualification that he was awarded last Friday night. I have yet been able to find any press release or announcement that states any additional punishment or sanction by the league office. It wouldn't surprise me one bit, Gophers coach Don Lucia has been pleading his case all week in the media about how the refs aren't protecting the players, yada, yada, yada.

For those that don't read the Star and Tribune check out the latest nugget from Roman Augustoviz now we are going to blame the ugliness towards the Gophers on the arenas that serve alcohol in their arenas? Huh? WTF is that? Let me guess; tDon is talking about Mankato and North Dakota? Lets try this on for size; it is the attitude your program displays towards the rest of the league. Its the in your face attitude of FSN announcers and the various off handed shots your assistant coach makes in his pre-game comments.

This is why the various fan bases around the league hate your team. It's the pompous holier than though, elitist attitude that your bring with you when you travel on the road. The Gophers hockey program oozes arogance and it showing more this year than others when the Gophers prima Donna's are getting it handed to them on a nightly basis. Who are you going to blame this week when the Badgers slap your butt around Marriucci? Word of advice to the Badgers players you better look out for Flynn and Schack they like to jump the oppostion from behind.

Lucia said the Gophers have a healthy rivalry with Wisconsin. “Some of the others ones, and I won’t mention names or anything like that, are a little bit more ugly as far as fan treatment and everything else,” Lucia said. “I never felt that way with Wisconsin. Our games have been much more disciplined over the years than maybe years ago.

“I never felt when I go to Kohl Center – I think the fans react in a real positive manner. Ya, once in a while, when you come off the ice, you get a little [grief] from a student. But that’s OK. That’s all fun. But I never felt when I go there, it is over the top and that’s me as a college coach. I have no issue with fans cheering their team and getting involved. I don’t particularly like the vulgarity. ‘F the Gopher’ chant that we hear.

“And I think, to be honest, and I spoke [Monday] about it [to WCHA officials]. I’m probably being more candid, maybe it is the steroids I took this morning than normal. I think as a league – my own personal opinion is, I am not sure if alcohol is served at some of the venues is a real positive in our league.

(Lucia is taking weekly IV steriod treatments for a nerve problem which causes numbness on the left side of his face.)

“I am a purist,” Lucia said. “I don’ have an issue if it is served in club rooms or in suites or in a beer garden. But I have an issue and, I think it lends to problems, when you got guys sitting with beer after beer sitting right behind the visitors’ bench. Nothing good can happen.

“And we have venues that you can literally sit and have cocktails all game long whether it’s hard booze, wine or beer. I think that is where some of the ugliness gets. As a league, I think we have to take a look at that.”


  1. Unbelievable......

    The chant isn't anything new, Donnie...
    The students do the F-U chant and can't drink in their seats, btw.

    Back in the "purist" ages of college hockey, the ages Donnie yearns for, students used to smuggle liquor bottles in and have drink after drink too. Although, I'm sure it only happened on the UND campus.

    Donnie is lashing out after a tough weekend,imo. I don't think he likes watching his team turn into a bunch of cheap-ass greasers when they get thumped. Which, by the way, has been happening often lately. anybody notice???

  2. wow this is a new one.. blameing the fans in there seats with beer as to why you got rocked...

  3. If tDon seriously thinks that alcohol is to blame for the the fans being rowdy, get a life. Most young fans are this way in general and if alcohol isn't served at the arena, they booze it up before games.

    World Arena serves alcohol too and from what I've been told, it's pretty much dull there most nights...even when CC is doing good. (When I was there it wasn't dead just going off of what I've heard!) When I was there a lot of people were drinking and were just fine.

    I think Magness serves alcohol too and is pretty quiet.

    Sure, alcohol gets people more loud in general but I'm pretty sure that even if the Alltel was dry the "F the Gophers" chant would come out.

    Oh, and tDon shouldn't be so offended...our students are equal opportunity haters. They chant F the....Badgers, Sioux, Huskies...etc.

    I think tDon is trying to shed a negative light on Mankato to take away the spotlight from this own team's horrible play and thuggery this past weekend.

  4. Also....who were the fans throwing beer bottles on the ice on Friday night?!?! GOPHER FANS.

    I don't think tDon should be throwing rocks when he lives in a glass house!!

    Christ, he needs to stop talking. The more he talks this week, the more people are starting to lose respect for him!!

  5. Actually LGM I'm pretty sure it was Mav fans throwing the bottles, they were coming from BEHIND the section the Gopher fans were sitting in towards the top of the section, and I didn't see any maroon and gold up there, isn't that the "secondary" student section? The only reason I know this is because I was sitting directly across from where the bottles were coming from. What a waste of good beer, most of those were full bottles being thrown.

    ANYWAYS, Lucia complaining about alchohol being served? I seriously wonder if the medication he is on is messing up his reasoning, he has really said some odd things in the last week here.

  6. Some of that area is for students but I'm pretty hard pressed to believe that students were throwing bottles that weren't empty! The majority of them had beer in them.

    Also, in talking to several people that were sitting in that area they reported it was the Gopher fans throwing them. Also, the throwing happened each time something didn't go in favor of the Gophers.

    Oh...and you left early so what would you know?!?! :)

    I do think tDon is making a lot of stupid statements. Someone should tell him "JUST STOP TALKING!!"

  7. "“I am a purist,” Lucia said. “I don’ have an issue if it is served in club rooms or in suites or in a beer garden. But I have an issue and, I think it lends to problems, when you got guys sitting with beer after beer sitting right behind the visitors’ bench. Nothing good can happen."

    **Kinda sounds like Donnie and the Gwoz have been talking this week. Both of their teams have been stomped in "hostile" arenas the last few weeks. I'm sure alcohol had something to do with it.**

  8. I forgot to seats happen to be right behind the visiting bench (well, right to the right of it). Trust me, my section isn't rowdy, nor is the one right behind the bench (the older blue line people). Heck, even the section next to me (the one before the student section) is pretty tame. The students are 2 sections over from the bench and the people "behind the bench" are pretty I don't know what he's bitching about.

  9. Archie good points! and tDon isn't going to have a say if Arenas serve booze or not, it isn't up to him. We will discuss it.

  10. Wow, what a whiner. What happened to just admitting to getting outplayed by your opponent? Lately, its become more common for coaches to blame refs... and now we have coaches and broadcasters complaining about fans. Whats next Lucia and Gwoz? Dog ate the gameplan?
