Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

CHA is better than the AHA

This blog post is in response to this stupid comment
"The CHA is a billion times worse than Atlantic Hockey, no one who knows anything about hockey would say otherwise."
This comment is so wrong in some many ways that I don't know where to begin? I can't let this stupidity go. Just for the record this comment is in response to a blog post.

First off the CHA has been very competative in their 10 year history. The CHA actually had a team, Niagara make the 2000 NCAA tourney as an at large bid. The same can not be said about the AHA. Robert Morris and Niagara University actually have to cut scholarships to join the AHA, the CHA currently allows 18 scholarships the AHA is going to 12 next season. In my opinion that means the teams joining the AHA are taking a step down to join this league.

Record against the big 4.
AHA 11-40-5 (.241)
CCHA 24-24-8 (.500)
CHA 12-34-2 (.271)
ECACHL 20-37-4 (.361)
HEA 33-20-4 (.614)
WCHA 22-18-8 (.542)

The CHA's record versus the AHA is 5-2-1.

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