Goon's World Extras

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Another weekend another incident.

Greg Shepherd was to attend both games this weekend at REA in case something out of the ordinary occurred in this weekend's series between the Mavericks and the Sioux. Well it happened again, color me surprised.

At the end of last night's game between UND and MSU-M Maverick player Geoff Irwin broke his carbon fiber stick slashing Darcy Zajac. In reviewing the replay WDAZ/Channel 23 did not catch the slash on film you can hear the stick being broken over Zajac on the tape. This is straight out of the federal league on slap shot and is utter bravo sierra. There is no room for that type of a reaction in ANY LEAGUE this is totally unacceptable, this wasn't a bow tie cross check this was a full swing tomahawk chop with a hockey stick. If that was the NHL it would be a minimum of two games. Lucky for Irwin the linesman Nate Freeman was able to rescue him before Zajac could exact his pound of flesh.

If Mullen was suspended by DU coach George Gwozdecky for his slash on UMD's Mike Connolly, this has to be a at least a 1-2 game suspension and it is time for Troy Jutting to man up and admit his player was wrong.


  1. It's obvious from last night's game the the Sioux coaches and team can show control when it's important, with the game on the line.

    The whiner, Jutting, on the other hand, showed he has absolutely no control over his team. It has to be a major distraction on the bench to have that continuous loud whine going on.

  2. Yeah I was impressed with Hakstol when he basically called the team to the Bench after Mario had challenged one of the Mavs and got the boys to refocus.

  3. Yeah, Hakstol is all about control...

    Like when he controlled Finley to start a fight with Blake Wheeler in the handshake line last year.

    Or when he controlled Defenseman Zach Jones to play wing and challenge Tony Lucia to a fight at the faceoff a few weeks ago.

    Or when he flipped off the Minnesota crowd a year ago.

    I bet if you look up the word 'control' on wikipedia you'll see a great big photo of Hakstol! The guy is the human embodiment of control.

  4. Goon,
    Looks like you hooked a "weanie's on ice" fan.

  5. I wonder why so many of these 'incidents' involve the Sioux?

    Any thoughts O Great Goony One?

  6. I get it Tim:

    If somebody finds fault with Sioux player/coach behavior that person should be viewed in a negative light for their blatant weanie-ness.

    However, if a member of the Sioux faithful finds fault with a whiny coach (or any ref, or player and/or coach on another roster), that individual should be held in high esteem for their insightful addition to the UND hockey community conversation.

    I wasn't up to speed on this nuanced approach to intellectual sports analysis. Many thanks.

  7. Tim,

    You meant

    'weanies on ice'
    'weanie's on ice'.

    Check out the book 'Eats, Shoots, and Leaves' for help with apostrophes!

  8. Tim I sure Charlie is one of the 'weenies on ice' fans. One of these smug kids that thinks he needs to come on here and parse every word that I write because they are insignificant and have no life. So he would be your text book loser.

    Let’s review for the emotionally challenged; Finley yanked Blake Wheeler out of line because he was shooting his mouth off to big Joe Finley. I have had this confirmed to me by a person connected to the UND hockey program. Notice how you don't see Blake doing that in the NHL, because he would get his ass kicked. Everyone is brave in the NCAA when they are hiding behind a bird cage and when they don’t have to fight.

    I know it’s hard for the Gophers fans to understand this but Tony Lucia agreed to fight Zach Jones after he has butt ended Evan Trupp, this is also a historical fact that was confirmed by more than one Sioux hockey player. Tony backed out at the last minute; I guess the manly way would have been for Jones to Jump Lucia with his helmet and gloves on right?

  9. So sorry I hurt your apostrophized condition.

    Here's part of my original post in a dialect you can understand:

    It's obbious from last nite's game the, duh uhh, the Sioux coaches 'n team can show control when it's iportant, uh, wid de game on de line.

    (That's moron, in case you don't recognize it.)

  10. I agreed with Charlie for a few seconds, and then I saw he made three consecutive posts in under 10 minutes. And, he's correcting someone's use of apostrophes when he can't spell weenie properly :D

  11. Boosh Charlie is a gopher douch bag.

  12. OMFG was that the Jacques Lemaire dialect?

  13. Hey haven't posted again on LaPoint's condition. Latest I saw was an "undisclosed injury" rumored to be both bones in his leg broken. Successful surgery, but he's out for the season.

  14. Cedar, Derrick is out for the season and should make a full recovery and IS Expected to be back for next season.

  15. Goon man, you know I think there's no place in the game for garbage like that. I was very glad Hak kept his boys under control this weekend, especially with so much on the line. Very impressed. This team is poised for a charge

  16. Goon,

    From what I have seen, you are absolutely correct about UM's Blake Wheeler not shooting his mouth off in the NHL. He appears to be letting his talent and his +31 do the talking! Maybe we'll see Minnesotan Joe Finley there some day.

    ...I didn't realize Joe is so susceptible to snapping after being merely yapped at. He should go to the Dave Hakstol School of self-control and learn to flip the bird instead! :)
