Goon's World Extras

Friday, January 02, 2009

Sioux 4 Beavers 3 (FSSN Rant)

This was the first time since UND started playing BSU in Bemidji that I haven't attended the game(s). This year I forgot to schedule the time off from work, over sight on my part and being that it is a holiday weekend my work schedule didn't allow me to make the trip. Snooze you lose. Next year I won't let that happen because this is the one away trip that I enjoy the most, next to the final five of course.

Originally Pat Sweeny had announced that FSSN was going to cover the game in Bemidji but apparently Pat had misspoke and the game ended up not being on FSSN. I think in the end that was a poor move by WDAZ/FSSN but what do you expect from a second tier television station. For what ever reason WDAZ/FSSN doesn’t want to cover Fighting Sioux hockey on a full time basis; and they only want to cover the games at the REA.

Grand Forks is all about the Fighting Sioux hockey team and I am pretty sure the stations sales department can find the needed sponsorship to fund the television broadcasts for Fighting Sioux hockey. I think it is utterly unacceptable that one of the bench mark programs in division one hockey can’t have their away games on television. Maybe UND needs to market its self better and find a better television station to cover the team. You mean to tell me you can’t travel 121 miles to the John Glas Field house in Bemidji, MN to cover a hockey game. Heck you probably could have payed KBSU 17 to put the broadcast on channel 23. Come on lets be a little more creative.

No FSSN No problem

I had the opportunity to watch the game on B2 which turned out to be a pretty good broadcast. Calling the game for the KBSU 17 was former Beaver forward Eric Monsrud and Scott Williams. Scott and Eric did a good job calling the game even being from the other team’s broadcast team.

I have to say theses two guys are much easier to listen to than some of the clowns we have heard this year via the Internet broadcast (copy right Harvard and MSU). Also they are way more objective and we didn’t have to listen play by play man cheering on his squad ever move and great play copy right “the Rug”. Thank God we also didn’t have to listen to the home town broadcast team slaughter Jason Gregoire’s name.

Hey guys we won

After reading you would have thought the Sioux had lost the game. On the ice the post game celebration was subdued as well. At the end of the game the Beavers hit the post with time expiring. The Sioux players just stood on the ice emotionless. Hey guys we won the game, nothing to be ashamed of here.

Positives of the game

UND moves up to 23rd in the Pair wise rankings with a win tonight.

Sophomore forward Evan Trupp was 1-2-3 for the game tonight.

UND moves back to .500 with a win tonight.

Junior Forward Chris VandeVelde 1-1-2 for the game tonight.

Freshman Brad Eidsness 10-7-1 picks up the win making some key saves at the end of the game to preserve the win.

Trupp, Hextall, Frattin and Jason Gregoire are making a contributions in each and every facet of the game.

The Fighting Sioux known in the past for taking a lot of penalties took three minor penalties the whole night. The Fighting Sioux had to kill only one penalty for 11 seconds all night. I guess you can't call the Sioux a bunch of goons any more eh?

Goals Scoring/Penalties Time

1st Period (20:00)

NDK 1 - 0 6x6 Chris VandeVelde (5) (Evan Trupp, Matt Frattin) 1:41
NDK (+): 29,19,21,2,5,G31 BMJ (-): 3,4,20,15,11,G1
BMJ 1 - 1 6x6 Matt Read (6) (Tyler Scofield, Matt Francis) 5:51
BMJ (+): 19,13,17,7,29,G1 NDK (-): 10,26,22,3,24,G31
BMJ 2 - 1 6x6 Ryan Cramer (1) (Shea Walters, Ben Kinne) 6:26
BMJ (+): 15,9,20,5,11,G1 NDK (-): 20,8,2,11,5,G31
BMJ-1 Tyler Scofield (2-Tripping) NDK 0x1 8:08
NDK 2 - 2 6x6 Evan Trupp (3) (Chris VandeVelde, Matt Frattin) 13:51
NDK (+): 19,29,21,24,3,G31 BMJ (-): 13,17,7,29,19,G1
NDK-1 Brad Miller (2-HITTING AFTER WHISTLE) 14:11
BMJ-2 Cody Bostock (2-HITTING AFTER WHISTLE) 14:11
BMJ 3 - 2 6x6 Tyler Scofield (7) (Matt Read) 18:22
BMJ (+): 13,19,5,17,9,G1 NDK (-): 14,25,16,17,6,G31

2nd Period (20:00)

NDK 3 - 3 6x6 Brett Hextall (7) (Brad Malone, Andrew Kozek) 3:00 NDK (+): 26,22,10,5,2,G31 BMJ (-): 22,23,6,4,3,G1
BMJ-3 BENCH (2-TOO MANY PLAYERS ON ICE) (Served by Darcy Findlay) NDK 0x2 3:45
BMJ-4 Chris Peluso (2-Interference) NDK 1x3 6:40
NDK 4 - 3 6x5 PP GW LL Ryan Martens (8) (Jason Gregoire, Evan Trupp) 7:11
NDK: 8,17,21,19,5,G31 BMJ: 17,29,23,7,G1
NDK-2 Chris VandeVelde (2-Diving) 7:58
BMJ-5 Graham McManamin (2-CHECKING) 7:58
BMJ-6 Chris Peluso (2-Slashing) NDK 1x4 9:11
BMJ-7 Cody Bostock (2-Hooking) NDK 1x5 17:09

3rd Period (20:00)

Timeout - Bemidji State 18:44
NDK-3 Brad Malone (2-CHECKING) BMJ 0x1 19:49

End of Game

1 comment:

  1. Wow Brad Malone, very poor timing on that penalty. We had one of those too and UML put one in JUST after time expired. Holy craparoo.

    Sounds like some in your fanbase (and possibly on the team???) need to come back to earth and realize that they should be happy to win against Bermidji and shouldn't demand a blowout. I mean, if one is upset if UND loses AND upset if they win... where is the fun???
