Goon's World Extras

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Season on: Sioux 6 Gophers 1

I have a smile on my face is going to take surgery to remove. This completes the perfect weekend. Nothing pleases me more than watching the Sioux sweep/beat the golden rodents. Well except for shooting green head Mallards that is pretty fun too.

At the beginning of this week true to form we heard from Gopher fans and Mike Eidelbes of INCH that Minnesota would sweep North Dakota. It wasn't even going to be close. Sioux fans heard from numerous cocky Gopher fans how Minnesota was going to run North Dakota out of the building. We also heard the same old tired crap about REA being Marriucci West. While I heard these claims I told people to have faith. I also predicted that UND would probably get at least three points this weekend. My friend Doug sent me a text message that said, BSU put up a bigger fight than the Gophers. That my friends is true.

I went back and watched the tape of the game again, Wooger and the Rug were pretty subdued. It was fun to see the classic Jones snap. My question to Sioux fans; is there a bigger hack than Ryan Flynn? Seriously! I would say that this is something the young Sioux can build on and save their season. More tomorrow I am going to bed, I have to work in the morning.


Do the Sioux make the Polls/Power Rankings after this weekend's sweep of the number three team in the nation? Are the Gophers over rated or are the Sioux better than they are being given credit for? I said this before; this team is better than they are being given credit for. It may not show up in the polls now but I still think the Sioux can make a run. The WCHA is wide open and down this season, due to players leaving early. Also, as far as WCHA teams go UMD gave us the toughest fight so far this season. With the Win tonight UND moved from 23 to 18 in the Pair Wise rankings.

(Box Score)

1st Period (20:00)

NDK 1 - 0 6x6 LL Chris VandeVelde (8) (Evan Trupp, Matt Frattin) 1:38
NDK (+): 29,19,21,25,14,G31 MIN (-): 7,13,14,2,28,G33
MIN-1 Nick Larson (2-Roughing) 2:12
NDK-1 Brad Malone (2-Roughing) 2:12
NDK-2 Jason Gregoire (2-Slashing) MIN 0x1 3:39
MIN-2 Justin Bostrom (2-Hooking) NDK 0x1 8:46
MIN-3 Brian Schack (2-Roughing) 11:57
MIN-4 Brian Schack (2-Instigating) NDK 0x2 11:57
NDK-3 Brad Malone (2-Roughing) 11:57
NDK 2 - 0 6x6 GW Ryan Duncan (9) (Brett Hextall, Joe Finley) 14:49
NDK (+): 16,22,26,2,5,G31 MIN (-): 12,3,26,19,13,G33

2nd Period (20:00)

NDK 3 - 0 6x6 Andrew Kozek (5) (David Toews) 11:08
NDK (+): 10,18,22,25,3,G31 MIN (-): 18,27,3,21,15,G33
NDK 4 - 0 6x6 Jason Gregoire (8) (Brett Hextall, Chay Genoway) 12:11
NDK (+): 17,26,5,16,2,G31 MIN (-): 26,19,28,12,2,G33
NDK 5 - 0 6x6 David Toews (4) (Andrew Kozek, Brad Malone) 14:58
NDK (+): 18,10,22,25,3,G31 MIN (-): 3,19,26,28,12,G33

3rd Period (20:00)

MIN-5 BENCH (2-TOO MANY PLAYERS ON ICE) (Served by Brian Schack) NDK 1x3 4:56
MIN-6 Jay Barriball (2-Slashing) 6:02
MIN-7 Jay Barriball (10-Misconduct) 6:02
MIN-8 Jay Barriball (2-Roughing) NDK 1x4 6:02
NDK-4 Brett Hextall (2-Roughing) 6:02
NDK-5 Brett Hextall (10-Misconduct) 6:02
NDK 6 - 0 6x4 PP Ryan Duncan (10) (Brad Miller, Chay Genoway) 6:12
NDK: 16,14,5,29,18,G31 MIN: 22,28,16,G35
MIN-9 Ryan Flynn (2-Cross-Checking) NDK 1x5 8:11
MIN-10 Brian Schack (2-Roughing) 9:41
MIN-11 Brian Schack (2-Roughing) 9:41
MIN-12 Brian Schack (10-Misconduct) 9:41
MIN-13 Tony Lucia (2-Roughing) 9:41
MIN-14 Tony Lucia (2-Roughing) 9:41
NDK-6 Matt Frattin (2-Roughing) 9:41
NDK-7 Matt Frattin (2-Roughing) 9:41
NDK-8 Matt Frattin (10-Misconduct) 9:41
NDK-9 Brad Malone (2-Roughing) 9:41
NDK-10 Brad Malone (2-Roughing) 9:41
NDK-11 Zach Jones (10-Misconduct) 9:41
NDK-12 Zach Jones (2-Unsportsmanlike Conduct) (Served by David Toews) MIN 0x2 9:41
NDK-13 Andrew Kozek (2-HITTING AFTER WHISTLE) MIN 0x3 10:09
MIN 1 - 6 6x6 Cade Fairchild (4) (Ryan Flynn, Jordan Schroeder) 12:10
MIN (+): 28,22,19,3,16,G35 NDK (-): 17,11,10,3,18,G31
NDK-14 Andrew Kozek (2-Hooking) MIN 0x4 16:43
MIN-15 Cade Fairchild (2-Hooking) NDK 1x6 17:28

End of Game


  1. Ryan Flynn is awsesome. Don't pick on him Goon, he can't help being a Go-fart :)

  2. That assplug coaching the gophers said Jones dropping the gloves was absolutey classless. What's classless is telling a guy you'll go and then standing there dumbfounded when the other guy drops his gloves. What a fuckin coward. Jones would never have dropped his gloves and lid had he not thought he had a dancing partner. Typical gopher hockey. Can't believe they have a fanbase. Oh i saw a classy act after friday nights game when a drunk gopher fan was trying to start fights. Not exactly a big guy by any means. Poeple laughed and waled away although later in the night he probably did get what he had coming.

  3. I have to say that Lofquist is a bigger hack than Flynn. He was always the 3rd man in anytime there was a scuffle.

  4. Ah, they are both hacks. Donn and I had our pre-final five display on Friday night. Got home and the Blender came out. We are thinking about bringing it to St Paul. I just have to make shopping trip to Fat Tuesdays and order some more mix...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Few thoughts/observations...
    Ryan Flynn is a meat head, but Schack is a punk. I think that is who Jones was going to dance with, isnt it? I havent gone back and reviewed the tape, but wasnt Schack the guy that speared Trupp?
    What about Genoway. I have admired him for the past few years. I mean, my god, who has a bigger heart on the ice. Also, Hakstol needs to work 1:1 with big joe Finley on his ability (or lack of) to skate backwards. I get scared when I see a odd man rush against him.

  7. So I guess you guys are primed for another second-half streak eh?

  8. I almost brought this up at SS but as much as I'd love to jump into the ongoing (un)healthy debate over fighting in hockey, I'm going to pass.

    On top of that, I have no complaints on the which case I probably shouldn't bring it up, and I'm fairly certain the direction this would take at SS. Regardless, any take on the teams being allowed to 'play'? I'm in no way sympathetic to those who blame refs...for anything. If you're good enough to win, you will. I think we've seen a trend in the last 2 or 3 years for officiating to be fairly tight in the first half of the season and progressively get more loose as the season carries on. Coincidentally we have seen UND be fairly successful in the second half. I think it's fair to say that in the past few years UND has been consistently a more physical team later in the season and have also been far more succesful.

    I think games are being called fair either way, both teams play under the opinions of the same officials. I think we saw a lot of contact that was deemed incidental this weekend that would have been called a trip/interference/hook in the November.

  9. I just wish the Refs would have let Jones go and let him fight Lucia. Also, Hextall would have whipped Barriball's ass. I like how he talks big when being restrained by the refs.

  10. Comment wasn't directed towards either of those instances. More a reflection on the entire weekend and action during the game, rather than what happened after the whistle.

    As far as Jones/Lucia- I too would have enjoyed seeing it, but clearly not a role Lucia plays. Outside of that you need two willing participants...clearly one of them wanted nothing to do with the situation. As for the linesman, they are just doing their job.

  11. How can the Gophers be overrated when the WCHA coaches didn't expect them to be in the top three?
